Just got my first Buell today! What is the first mod I should start with?

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011

Just joined the forum, because I just got my first Buell today - a blue 2005 Firebolt XB12R. Drove over 2 hours one way to the dealer and trailered it back. I am so stoked. Have been riding since the early 70's, have had a number of bikes, currently also own a 2001 Hayabusa that I have done a hundred mods to. I have always followed and appreciated the work of EB and have always wanted one of his bikes. Looking forward to modding this Firebolt out. But what would you say is the first mod I should do? Thank you!
vtech007 welcome to Buellxb.com. Get some pictures of your bike on here for us :)
When you get a chance, fill out your personal profile and add yourself to the location map, then you are finally part of the club and we can help you out with any mod questions that you have. [up]
-Personal profile info
-Google map location

Welcome vtech! There's a lot of great folks and info on here!

Assuming your bike is completely stock here are some of the things that I see Buellers doing first (off the top of my head):

1. Remove warning stickers & reflectors
2. If you're only riding 1 up, removing the rear pegs
3. Relocate your plate (under the tail normally)
4. Different mirrors (bar-end or otherwise)
5. Some remove rear belt guards
6. Axle sliders (I sell these and an updated front pulley cover if you're interested)
7. Polish or paint the edge of the rear pulley
8. Exhaust of course :D

Good luck and post some pics when you have a chance!

Congrats OP on your new bike. I joined the club with my first Buell and only second bike back in june.


Picking up mine tomorrow...09 XB12R Black/Red with 50 miles on it!

Was this one from ebay?? Nice deal. I found an 07 XB12R on CL with only 6 miles on it. Love riding it! Enjoy
Hey Vtech007


I also have an 05 XB12R Firebolt and a 2004 Hayabusa.

Suggested mods

Set up your suspension for your weight etc

You'll find it quite interesting jumping on the Busa again after riding the Buell for a few weeks


Stu (UK)
Thank you, everyone, for your warm welcome, and for all your helpful suggestions already. That is some great response. I can see this Buell community is a great community to live in! I am certainly going to look up those mods and get started on them ASAP.

Today I took it to run a few errands (about a 10-mile round trip) with my gf on the back. First thing that struck me was the low-end torque - can you say it "it pulls like a tractor"? Really great for around town and in traffic. So fun and so easy to ride! While we were out, we stopped and picked up what we need to change the oil and filter and picked up a K&N air filter. Decided on the Mobile 1 V-Twin full synthetic 20W50. Saw the really neat vid you guys posted on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMuEHcP6iws That is so well done, and such useful and concise information. Good job!

The chin cowl was missing when I bought the bike, as was the left mirror, so I am deciding on replacements for those. The only blue chin cowl currently on eBay are not in very good shape, so I am probably going to go with the number in carbon fiber. Also somebody wrapped black electrical tape around all four of the turn signal lenses where they join to the body of the turn signal, so I am probably going to order the mirrors with the LED turn signals built in, and get rid of the stock front turn signals, and probably go with an integrated tail light and get rid of the rear turn signals.

I am "vertically challenged", :D , with a 30" inseam - so I am going to need to lower the suspension (as I have on my 'Busa). Any suggestions? Cost is an object :)
only way to truly lower the bike is with the scg suspension but thats pricy. also check the rear shock setting. if you lower the shock setting it will go down a little bit more when you sit on it.
XBlights for an LED integrated tail light. it's waaaaay brighter than any other brand.
clear alternatives are about as bright as a puerto rican.
no offense if you're puerto rican

if you don't have the $ for one, you can drill holes on either side of the brake light bulb, and insert the turnsignals thru them.
screw in a red 1157 bulb for the brake, and a clear lens and youre done the cheap way.
XBlights for an LED integrated tail light. it's waaaaay brighter than any other brand.

Thank you very much for passing on the info about XBLights. Very interesting indeed. Looks like I have to get one of these.
hope you enjoy the new buell. ride it reasonably, don't abuse it, and service it religiously and it will provide years and many miles of pleasure. abuse and hammer it like most folks do to a "busa" and you'll be on a first name basis with your local buell tech...if there's still one in the area. personally i'd make sure all fluids are fresh, plugs are clean, tires aired up, suspension set according to your weight and type of roads, then ride it and enjoy it before i commence with the mods.
You can thank Dave_xb12R for making those videos. He is the biggest nerd on here but he is helpful . He has done more of those useful videos like that.

Haha! Thanks guys. I probably am the biggest nerd on here. Feel free to request videos you'd like to see. I just finished shooting the brake bleeding process.

First thing I recommend doing is getting HIDs. Also, I know people have suggested it, and Randy Hawkins (Hawk pipe maker) is one of the nicest buellers out there, but shop around and check out different options before you just jump on a new pipe. They all have their goods and bads, so find one that fits you.

Welcome to the forum!