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I can picture it now....

In the year 2504 he (and his bike) will be just a pile of dust with 12 random Buell parts laying on top, in perfect condition...

....the UV resistant braided wire wrap gently rolling in the breeze, a perfect IP-67 standard 2 pins waterproof connector laying in the wasteland of what used to be human society before Skynet became aware. A large grey wolf scavenges with other wolves, looking for the last few thick heat shrink tubes. The only known rear motorcycle tire to have travelled 70,000 miles is in the distance.... Fade to black.....

God, why do I not check in here more often......^^^^ this **** is gold
I like Buell XB 12Scg design, I also like Ducati design, but they have even worst reliability than Buell, so I own Buell. Crappy Buell reliability is trade-off for nice look. Sadly there is no reliable nice looking motorcycle, there are only reliable but ugly Japanese motorcycles.

What the hell is going on here? This dude clearly is not a biker or mechanic.. you can cad design all the crap you want for your Buell dude, but you look like a full blown retard when you post anything for troubleshooting ..

No one likes you here go away.
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I like when motorcycle looks good. If I would buy motorcycle just for transportation I would buy Honda, but I can't have ugly things.
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It's one of your precious Hondas. It's sexy. Go get it.

Praise Allah! They aren't only making bikes that look like aliens anymore!!!!
We all have our little quirks, and yes some have more than others but I have to say that Tbag has contributed to the forum. Might not always be what people want but much of it has been.............. interesting, so why be mean. When he posts something that I don't agree with, I just ignore it, but still some of his stuff has been good and he goes through the trouble of taking pictures with pretty explicit instructions.

Just my 2 cents.
I do not like those tiny pipes and that huge ugly muffler on the right side of the rear wheel. The handlebar and the headlight are too high. The gap between the road the the motorcycle bottom is too large. Too bad there is no chin or chin fairing so the empty space between motor and front wheel makes it looks ugly. The shape of the fuel tank is ugly (side view profile). The fork tubes are too long and too small diameter so they have skinny ugly proportions. The instrument cluster above the headlight with that windshield is ugly. Whole motorcycle proportions do not please me. No, this Honda is ugly and boring. But hipsters are going to like it.
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Your Buell is so beautiful I bet it's stock like the Honda. Oh wait.... no it's isn't! It has a drastically dis-poprtionate rear wheel, etc...

To each their own. It's pretty. It's a Honda. Me likey, much big want!

Next time you pass a Honda dealer, check out the service bays. They are as full as every other brand's dealer bays. Shocker.

Oh, and hipsters are scared of anything over 50hp. Might get their leather steampunk barista apron caught in the breeze, and mustache wax only hold up to 30mph. Don't think I haven't tested it!!
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Your Buell is so beautiful I bet it's stock like the Honda. Oh wait.... no it's isn't! It has a drastically dis-poprtionate rear wheel, etc...

To each their own. It's pretty. It's a Honda. Me likey, much big want!

Next time you pass a Honda dealer, check out the service bays. They are as full as every other brand's dealer bays. Shocker.

Oh, and hipsters are scared of anything over 50hp. Might get their leather steampunk barista apron caught in the breeze, and mustache wax only hold up to 30mph. Don't think I haven't tested it!!

I’ll have to post up the abomination I working on now once I get to a stopping point. It was the cousin to the Honda known as the plastic maggot. If that’s not setting the bar high, I don’t know what is.
What's a hipster ? Just kidding
I owned a 1982 Honda saber 750cc, great bike, water cooled, drive shaft smooth running, however, the frame cracked ! Looked like someone cut it with a laser, they made me pay half the cost for fixing it, last honda I ever owned or will ever own.
NJ, I put about 10k on a Sabre 750 while my Ninja 1000R was in the dealer under warranty (for 9 MONTHS) for a blown head gasket. Great commuter, but my dating life suffered:upset:

The 80's weren't exactly the sexiest time for motorcycles, or anything else for that matter:upset:
I'm in no way a senior member here and have contributed very little in the years I've been a member. But I have to throw my opinion in on this one because Buell motorcycles are not unsafe, they are reliable, and man are they fun to ride. Buell is American, hell it's from Wisconsin have you ever been to Wisconsin. It's cold 7 months a year, the roads suck and most of the state smells like cows, paper mills, or beer. Buell was the vision of a mad scientist who didn't care that it is loud, or you smell like exhaust fumes after riding it, or that you have to fiddle with it almost as much as your ride He had a bigger vision, oh and he did it in his barn with his own money. He had a pile of race motors and frames from some company he bought into to improve their bikes. The way a Buell looks is simply the outcome of it's environment. It wasn't designed to look good and then all the parts were engineered to fit into that design ie HONDA, KAWASAKI, YAMAHA etc... You get my point. Have you seen the early tube frame models, have you seen the Blast. Not very welcoming to the eyes but man are they fun to ride. The tubers because they are just raw and the Blast well because it's just a matter of how long can I go before it throws the carb off the intake. The XB's and 1125's are solely the evolution to make the bike even better. Then you look at the 1190's and man what a bike. So if base your purchase of anything solely for the way it looks you must have a hell of time looking in the mirror every morning, your wife although beautiful is probably as dumb as a rock, if your were even able to find one that meets your perfectionist view. Your house is probably plain white because heaven forbid two different colors touch or roofs have angles, or windows be round. I could go on all day but I can honestly say I wouldn't trade my XB for anything, oh and you'll never get a new one. So do what you have to to keep them alive and wrecking the quite neighborhoods of suburbia. I'm proud to walk into a room holding a helmet and reeking of exhaust fumes with dirty fingers knowing that I just rode in on a piece of AMERICA. So to all riders out there keep your helmet straps tight, and the rubber side down.
I'm in no way a senior member here and have contributed very little in the years I've been a member. But I have to throw my opinion in on this one because Buell motorcycles are not unsafe, they are reliable, and man are they fun to ride. Buell is American, hell it's from Wisconsin have you ever been to Wisconsin. It's cold 7 months a year, the roads suck and most of the state smells like cows, paper mills, or beer. Buell was the vision of a mad scientist who didn't care that it is loud, or you smell like exhaust fumes after riding it, or that you have to fiddle with it almost as much as your ride He had a bigger vision, oh and he did it in his barn with his own money. He had a pile of race motors and frames from some company he bought into to improve their bikes. The way a Buell looks is simply the outcome of it's environment. It wasn't designed to look good and then all the parts were engineered to fit into that design ie HONDA, KAWASAKI, YAMAHA etc... You get my point. Have you seen the early tube frame models, have you seen the Blast. Not very welcoming to the eyes but man are they fun to ride. The tubers because they are just raw and the Blast well because it's just a matter of how long can I go before it throws the carb off the intake. The XB's and 1125's are solely the evolution to make the bike even better. Then you look at the 1190's and man what a bike. So if base your purchase of anything solely for the way it looks you must have a hell of time looking in the mirror every morning, your wife although beautiful is probably as dumb as a rock, if your were even able to find one that meets your perfectionist view. Your house is probably plain white because heaven forbid two different colors touch or roofs have angles, or windows be round. I could go on all day but I can honestly say I wouldn't trade my XB for anything, oh and you'll never get a new one. So do what you have to to keep them alive and wrecking the quite neighborhoods of suburbia. I'm proud to walk into a room holding a helmet and reeking of exhaust fumes with dirty fingers knowing that I just rode in on a piece of AMERICA. So to all riders out there keep your helmet straps tight, and the rubber side down.


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