Lady Buellers!

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can we change the thread title to... ******* on buells?? it seems more fitting. thank you davexb12r's lady

not my personal pictures... but came across a few hotties while surfin today



I showed my g/f this post... she called it "******* on Buells". She's so funny! I'll be taking some pics of her on my bike soon enough.

That comment didn't go over well with my wife....[mad]
Did this thread finally die?

Robtk! a.k.a "Special K"

"A HellBuelly's greatest work is to break his enemies, to drive them
before him, to take from them all the things that have been theirs,to
hear the weeping of those that cherished them, to take their motorcycle
between his knees and press in his arms the most desirable of their

--Genghis KhanBuelly
hey robtk seen Conan? It has an adaptation of that phrase.

Elder: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
What a classic movie. I can hear him calling out to CROM now ;)
I thought the point of this thread was for lady Bueller (i.e. Ladies who OWN Buells) to post pics of themselves with their Buells. Not that the pics of chicks with a your Buell or his Buell or some random Buell ain't nice, it just doesn't seem this kinda worked out as intended. I completely missing the point???

Someone tell me to shut up...

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"Calling upon my years of experience, I froze at the controls."

--Stirling MossBuelly
...and yes I've seen Conan.

Wow! Someone's cranky!
I must need a nap...

Robtk! a.k.a "Special K"
Quote of the Day;

"Buell's are like a Swiss time piece, with a little Ironman inside."

Oh SHUT UP and enjoy the show! :p
Xbear9S, you sir are correct, however that didn't pan out. So enjoy what we've got going on. Beggers can't be choosers right?
i'll see if i can get a good one of my lady too... even though the bike is resting in the living room for the season. haha.
haha true. now i just have to get her off of me long enough to get her onto the buell... haha :D[up]
bitter might have to throw down, I think you have a little competition here :)
Eubanks, you dog, good job. Bitter Rod, you've got competition, and your right, it is a good thing!
I've got to give it to Eubanks at this point, sorry Bitter rod...
i'm concerned however, that looks suspiciously like a friend of mine :p
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