Lady Buellers!

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No reason to pick a winner here... Pissing off my wife is not a good thing to do here. Lets just say, we are all winners.
haha. no sir, it sure isn't. glad to know i'm not sleeping with your girlfriend, amber. haha. just kidding man.
hehe, whew just checking. looks 95% like an old friend of mine.
well if you wanted to send her my way, it'd be the closest to twins i may ever have!! ;)

haha, that's horrible, and i apologize.
hey Rob,

Is this your bike? What kind of scoop is that on there?

Her name is Casey.
That's HER bike.

I believe the scoop is stock.
They whole bike was custom painted thru Cowboy HD in South Austin.
It's a blue to silver fade from front to back.
We call it the "Wonder Woman" Bike.
And Casey has become known to us as "Wonder Woman".

Makes me want to do a Captain America themed Buell.
...but I promise I won't!
(I already have the cape!!!)

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"The tugs on your leash may seem kind or seem cruel;
But the difference is moot to a hard-ridden Buell;
For laws are but chains and it's easy to see;
That only the Outlaw Bueller can ever truly be free!"

--Sam "this is gonna" HurtBuelly
Is this the new silicone Jardine pipe?

Ha! Just got that!
I'm a bit slow sometimes...
There's a reason they call me "Special"

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handlebars to the saddle."

--Anonymous SageBuelly
im still waiting to find someone to pose with my bike . . . wait i think i have one.... one sec
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