Is that a ump45? That bitch is sexy!
Just me and my crappy computer.
the chambered shot is light bird shot as are the next two, after that i have four 00 buck, if that hasn't resolved the issue then I've probably got a rhino in my house and the slugs might slow it enough to jump out a window or something?!?!?!?!
That is a MASSIVE gun. Are you hunting rhino? My dad had one. I remember him laying down and firing it causing all of the leaves for the first 25 feet to go "wooosh" and get swept away. He could only shoot 3 shots a day because of how much kick it had, but even at nearly 150 yards, he could still hit a 8" wide, 1/2" thick steel target and nearly punch through it.
correct, gsg is the civilian side oh h&K, most the parts come from the H&K factory, and the newer 9mm version comes straight from the H&K factoryIts a GSG-5 if I'm not mistaken. Basically a .22lr version of the HK MP5