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Zeroflat24, nice Kimber, I almost got the same for my CCW.

gotboost2j, love the Px4, fits my hand perfectly, so much that I got the sub compact for my CCW.

My full size and sub compact:


Nice Grouping of firearms everybody!!! As an NRA Certified Instructor I want to urge everybody to take the proper precautions and invest in a quality safe for storage! The large majority of students I instruct and people I run across in general never seem to take this precaution until they have already been hit and are trying to rebuild a collection! So invest in some quality lock up if you havn't done so already!
I believe this will be the next addition. After some **** tried opening a winow of my house at 2am in the morning while I was down here in Cali and my wwife was sleeping in bed.
Mossberg 500 Cruiser. 6 shot 12 gauge
Bikertrash: Yeah, I really enjoy the PX4. The M&P fits my hand a little better and I've been training with it a lot more lately but hands down I still shoot the best with the PX4. I've also owned the PX4 the longest and put the most rounds through it so that is a factor. The rotating barrel is really nice especially since it doesn't have the lowest of bores. I'll never get rid of that gun.

Plus, you gotta love those 20 round extended magazines.
Some of my guns
carry guns
Starting from the top FNP 45 (probably my favorite shooter 16 rounds of .45:D:D), Gen 2 glock 19, Yugo m57 tokarev, Kahr cm9

Remington 700 vs sf 1 in .308, winchester 835 12 gauge, savage mark 2 22 plinker picked up the other day.

better pic of the 700, cheap bushnell 3-12X scope cheap scope til my nightforce comes in it will end up on the savage 22, tactical works mag extension bumps it from 4 rounds to 8 rounds

Not pictured imbel fal and a few collectible 1911s

**** pics i know camera smashed
Winny, the Winchester 435 .177 breakover, put 3 tree rats in the garden this weekend.
I was looking to replace it but found it's worth $200-450.
Went and shot my Smith & Wesson AR-15 with tracer rounds the past weekend. Also picked up some exploding targets (1/2 lb) and shot one with a tracer round. This was the result. If you look closely you can see a small single use helium tank that was placed on top of the tank. It went out of camera view and went behind the hill. Also be advised, their is some bad language so please dont be offended.

Many years ago I received a Anschutz Super Match 54 barrel/action for my 11th birthday,with dads help and a stock blank from Fajen that we fitted to me and this was my small bore position rifle with which I won many awards, four high school letters, multiple state championships and enough award points for my life membership with the NRA , I did refinished the stock a couple years ago.

Im looking at my first gun a smith 686 plus or a springfield xdm 13 shot 45 bi tone cant make up my mind any thoughts would be helpful..
depends on what you are comfortable with. the 686 plus comes in barrel lengths from 2.5-4 inches. a 2.5" 357 mag can be a lot of gun for some people. for a carry gun i would not choose a large revolver. its all about what you are comfortable with and what you intend to do with it. i would pick the xdm over the 686. it doesnt make sense to me to carry a large frame gun that only holds 6 rounds and cannot be reloaded easily.

Im not against revolvers, id like a ruger lcr for summer carry as its nice and small.
Anyone have the smith & wesson 380 bodygaurd? Thinking about getting one and would like some feedback.
I would give my left nut for a xdm bi-tone 45 they cost way to much where can i find one for under 600...
My latest build; 12 gauge Mossberg security 7+1 with the Aimtech warhammer rail system and ATI telescoping/folding stock and a reddot


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