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It's a good video! My brother just sent it to me. Then I came to the thread and Netty had beat me to it[up]
I think the 'long video' description scares people off! It's a real issue that the Feds will have to address very quickly.
well as of today, my ******** of a governor totally screwed us. I hate CT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the Law Suits begin!!!!!
At least my collection is grandfathered.... Still trying to dig through this POS bill just passed, but the way I read it, we can still have ATF items, so here comes the SBR's! From what i have heard, as of July, no police signature required. Im so pissed and cant wait to move out of this ******** state! TN here i come!
Ash, thanks for the info. Definitely going to take a look at the Sig, always liked their pistols, but never tried their rifles.
Sorry to go off track slightly here. Looking for comments on gun safe dehumidifiers that you have tried and liked or dis-liked.

Thanks in advance !!!
Added another bullpup to the collection!!!


Damn man thoughs are some ****** toys right there! I would to have anyone of them! Nice ASH!
While waiting for the mail to bring me my cpl this morning I decided to take a ride to the LGS to find a nice j-frame Smith & Wesson to use as my carry gun. I ended up leaving the shop with this ugly ass thing.

I think as soon as I can afford it I'll go back and get a revolver
Damn it moshaholic, i want your Kashtan scope! I can't find them anymore. Here's a pic of my "mutt" 74 with an old school PK-A.