Limited Edition Buells

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The only "limited editions" that came out of the factory were just due to low production numbers of that model.

2003 XB9SL 1513 made
2007 Super TT XB12STT 1755 made
2007 XBRR 56 made
2009 Uly XB12XP 137 made
2008 Uly XB12XT 1911 made
2010 City X XB12SX 860 made
2010 1125RR 3 made

The bike at the beginning of this thread is a fake. Like Dave said anybody can have that plate made and the quality of it is cheesy. If u will notice those are tube Buell decals on the air box cover. Just my 2 cents..
mellinium lightnings were low numbers too like 800

That's correct but the are talking about xb's. Tuber years their are lots of "limited editions".

1998 S1W White Lightning
1999 X1CF Carbon Fiber Edition
1999 X1 Stripe Editions
2000 X1M Millennium Edition
2001 M2L Low Edition
2002 X1W White Lightning

Just to name a few:D
I was talking about the frame that was raised up. That's how it looked to me. It looks factory. I dont see a line behind the plaque, as if it were just slapped on. So it looks as though it was put on at factory and then painted and then factory stickerd. Look again, look at the weld and the stickers, use your mind and think like a detective, it had to go on in an order.

And sure i will give you $150 to come and redo my plastics with strips and clear coat them with the same quality as seen in those pics and you can keep your plaque.
Hey SONDERMANN have you any paper work, or have you ever talked to any one about the limited adition, did you add the plaque?? We will find out so you might as well tell us. I think its real, but not all of us do, so what proof do you have????
Never mind i didnt read your whole post till now. I guess i should keEP MY ******* MOUTH SHUTTTTTTTT!!LOL!!
Hi Red93stang,

Thanks for your comments. Your Buell background is impressive :)
BTW how your 1998 S1W Lightning is doing?

Love that 'Stangs you got[up] Especially Terminator;)
Thanks SonderMann! I have a addiction problem I guess. :)

The S1W project will be toren down as soon as the snow flies here in Missouri. I got it rideable(installed the race exhaust, race filter, and sent the WORKS shock back to WORKS for a overhaul) for the summer.

Terminator got 4 more pounds of boost and H&R race springs this year. Next is a clutch :D

2007 XB12SST 1 of 1... (the plate says so) yours for only $39,250.99 [cool]
