LOOK what this guy did to me!!!

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you remove all 4 valve stems from the tires and leave them taped to the door handle with a note...

your kinder then I am, I would have kept them for a souvenier.. a momento per say to remind me of kinder gentler times

I carry my valve stem remover now for this exact reason :D
Used to have a rather large stack of those Mickey Mouse cards. Living in Florida I went through them like candy.;)
My valve stem remover and some tape will be in my tank bag from now on. I always carry paper, sharpie, and some porcelain from an old spark plug. Keep them coming! We'll call it a "******** toolkit":p
U need a lil super glue to make sure those cards stick to the glass and it dosent blow away.....
All you gotta do is go to the local parts house and buy you a pack of those valve caps with the stem removers on em!!! put one on all your rides and boom always got one handy!! also one on a key chain is handy (make good finger nail cleaners too....) also a case "stock-man" pocket knife with the smaller rounded blade will remove em but it takes longer and boogers the threads up....

this was always my fav cause as mentioned before no damage, tires are expensive and given the situation he didn't cause damage just inconvenience..... and having someone come by to air up 4 tires is a fair inconvenience!!!

and remember kids never flatten just one...... cause modern rides have one spare NOT TWO!!
5 easy steps to inconvenience an *******:

Step 1. Remove valve stem cap

Step 2. Drop small pebble in valve stem cap

Step 3. Re-install vale stem cap

Step 4. Listen for escaping air

Step 5. Repeat for remaining tires
I would say if damage was done I would call police and have his insurance pay for it. Also, I would wait for him/find him and have some strong words no matter what.
Lesson I learned the hard way 40 years ago.

Never park in a parking space, always park at the mouth of it. Jerk doesn't see your bike, when he does he figures might as well keep going. Make sure your bike is visible to him before he enters the parking space.
WALLs i got pictures of all the angles dont worry. I wasnt about to post someones plate online

Posting his license plate all over your LOCAL motorcycle forums usually creates an opportunity for the situation to sort itself out.
Never park in a parking space, always park at the mouth of it. Jerk doesn't see your bike, when he does he figures might as well keep going. Make sure your bike is visible to him before he enters the parking space.

I agree with you iamarchangel...I always park my bike where it is easily seen by vehicle drivers so that I don't run into this situation. OP why did you park in the back of the parking space to begin with?
Yeah but any ******* that'll take the time to back in would had to have seen the bike, or shouldn't be driving.
Maybe (maybe) there could be blame made of the rider for having poor judgment in protecting his bike but.......ehh
Looks like the driver of the truck tried to get as close as they could without hitting it........probably had someone spotting them.
Another use for our axle sliders! :p Jeez! What an ass he (or she) must have been!

yep, thats the amount of space he had in front. (or she).
I would have flattened one tire and the spare just do he could take it down and get even more pissed
You're a better man than me, I would have carved a nice little zig zag pattern in his paint job.
valve cores gone, new inlay graphic design on tailgate with wrench from tool bag, wait for him and ask if he were a soccer fan and knew what kicking a goal felt like:D

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