looking for a bluetooth helmet...

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2012
Cecil County, Maryland
While also not trying to spend a fortune.... Any suggestions? I've seen a few online but don't know anything about the quality so first hand reviews would he great.
An actual bluetooth helmet, or possibly a device that works with your helmet?

I have a scala and it works great. Plenty loud, easily pairs up with my iPhone.

As for Bluetooth helmets, I can't find any negative reviews on the schuberth line. Seems to be a high quality helmet and seemingly equal quality Bluetooth system. No first hand though, sorry.
I had a Vega V-Tune as my first helmet, and wasn't super fond of it. The visor plate broke on one side, and getting parts was a nightmare. The foam padding was thin and hard, it didn't flow hardly any air at all. Honestly, I couldn't tell the difference between vents open or closed. The Bluetooth was okay, it did what it was supposed to. The first one I got didn't work, I had to exchange it at the store.
The Bilt helmet that Cycle Gear has on sale is what got me thinking about a Bluetooth helmets. I'm actually using a Bilt helmet now, but it seems heavy and clunky.... Tho to be fair, I started riding with an Outlaw half shell helmet billed to be "the thinnest and lightest DOT approved helmet" so everything will probably seem heavy to me. I wish there were better, more informative reviews on helmets, it would make decision making easier.
Last Christmas my wife bought me the bilt Bluetooth helmet. I didn't even like how it felt. I don't even think I used it on my bike just tried it on. I took it back and ended up with the O'Neal fastrack 2 which has the same blinc Bluetooth as the bilt.

As for the helmet I personally love it. ( Just for background all I've had before this helmet were super cheap helmets. ) The Bluetooth is so so. For phone calls its practically useless if your moving. The only thing I use it for is music and occasional GPS which it works great for.
^that's the kind of info I need... the only full helmet I've ever worn is the Bilt I currently have and I bought it due to needing to use the bike into winter some and my face was taking a beating in the half shell. I'm starting to warm up to the idea of doing full helmet exclusively, but the don't want to pay big $ for something I won't like.
Not a helmet, but I also use the Scala Cardio Pro. Frankly, it does everything I could possibly want. It bluetooths to GPS, it bluetooths to my phone, it has a FM radio built in, and I can talk to other riders with it.

As far as helmets go, I've used Bell, Nolan, HJC, KBC, I had a Harley flipface, KBC made it if I remember right, a Buell firebolt flipface. Currently, that I use, KBC Airborne II, Shoei RF1000, and my personal favorite that I use most, Scorpion 900. It's also the flip face. I have the Scala mounted to it because it's covenant to flip the front up at lights etc. Honestly, I've been the phone with people on it while riding in traffic and people had on the other end had no idea I was on the phone.
cycle gear has a bilt bluetooth helmet in sale right now.

My little vrothers saying hes gonna buy one. I had a bilt and almost left it on the side of the road a few times. I hated the fog build up id get riding in cooler temps. But this new one has all my scorpion features like dual visors and quick release, but if the lens isnt anti fog its a deal breaker for me. Regardless, I still think its cool especially for $150 with blue tooth . If he goes to look @ it ill update what hes got to say about it.
I've got a scala as well (two of them actually). I"m pretty happy with them! I chose a device over a helmet, mostly due to the limited choices of BT helmets. With a device i can pick any helmet I like, and install it.
I have and O'Neal helmet with BT. I love it! I dont ever make phone calls from it just music and GPS when needed. Battery last a long time but the speakers are so so. They can be replaced with a cut up set of head phones. (They just plug into a box in the helmet)
I hated the fog build
I have a Zeus flip helmet that reviewed good for anti fog capabilties, but it WAS NOT! I bought a universal pinlock insert that peels and sticks inside your face shield...works fantastic!...costs around $20.