Lots to do....need some advice....

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OK...I got it all back together and went for a ride. Nothing crazy.....no check engine lights and everything seemed fine. That is until I jumped on it.....and as soon as it hit about 5k, it's like someone hit the kill switch. I could duplicate this consistently. But ONLY when I was holding it wide open. If I accelerated more gradually, it would run up to redline no problem. Sound like a TPS reset issue? I tried resetting it a few times but no luck. I'm tired out from working on it all day.....just put it away. Seems to me like it has to be TPS or ECM related.....because it will hit those RPM's without issue as long as I'm not wide open.

Just when you thought I'd go away! Haha

Haven't you figured it out yet ? You will never go away as long as you own a Buell, LOL. You might want double check your ground connections.
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Make sure your intake snorkel is fully seated.

Will do. Would that cause this issue? Able to rev slowly up to redline, but not when the throttle is yanked open? It's consistent....right at about 5k the engine feels like the kill switch was flipped, and takes a second or so to come back to life...

It's the simplist thing you can check with out having to go crazy. Once checked, you have at least ruled out ONE possible culprit.
BTW when was the last time you changed your plugs?
What does your AFV read after a ride?
Check your grounds. Make sure they are all secured tight. As mentioned above check your velocity stack on the bottom where it connects to the throttle body. Make sure it’s pushed all the way down and the clamp is on tight in the right spot. While you have the bottom intake plate off check your plug wire connections and make sure those are seated good. Also make sure your fuel line is on good, not sure if you can put the injectors plugs in the wrong way, but it’s something to look into. I think I read you changed your plugs, did you tap them to .35?
If bike was running good prior, it has to be 1 of the issues above.
It's the simplist thing you can check with out having to go crazy. Once checked, you have at least ruled out ONE possible culprit.
BTW when was the last time you changed your plugs?
What does your AFV read after a ride?

I JUST put new plugs and wires on. As far as the AFV, I check that with the ECM droid app, correct? I'm going to head back out to the garage in a bit.....I'll check the intake snorkel and get the AFV reading....just want to make sure I'm reporting the correct info to you....

Thanks again!

Good job, it's running, you'll figure it out, it does not sound like it would be an electrical problem but, you never know, more like an intake problem. Let us know what you find.

I read some information someplace, it was an answer from buell as to why there wasn't a rear cylinder air scoop, apparently they ran aerodynamic tests on the amount of air the rear cylinder was getting and according to the tests, it was getting more than enough air. So, I think these bikes get more benefit from a better ECM program and possibly a better or more improved muffler that, doesn't go by stupid EPA bull**** rules but, by performance and what's better for the bike running the way it should.
We might never know because most owners that install a rear ( rightside ) air scoop also do an ECM and muffler upgrade.
I'd suggest checking all the simple stuff. If the bike didn't have this issue prior to the rocker box repair, it has to be something simple causing you issues.
as Stripn, is saying Double check all your work .You will find it and LOL at yourself. I hope.
Chicknstripn, you sir are a Buell GENIUS! I just reseated the intake snorkel (that's a bit of a bitch to get all the way on!) and everything is golden! Running like a CHAMP! Thanks for that suggestion. When I read that last night I thought to myself "yeah, I really wasn't happy with how that went on" and now I know why. Last thing I did was order a K&N filter for it, so I'll install that once I get it. You guys have all been MOST helpful to me on this job. And I know I ask rookie questions.....but better to ask than F something up or waste more time because you DIDN'T ask the guys who have done these things a hundred times.

Thanks again,


What I did:
Replace Fan
Replace O2 Sensor
Replace Spark Plugs
Replace Spark Plug wires
Replace PCV valves
Replace PCV grommets
Replace Outer rocker gasket
Replace Inner rocker gasket
Prep and paint muffler
Reroute breather hoses and install external breather
And just prior to this, I had replaced the battery and voltage regulator.
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Glad you are up and running well, good job , looking back that was fun dont you think, ?

You're a funny guy! Hahaha. I would say that I have a feeling of satisfaction, and a much greater familiarity with the bike for sure though. I'm happy it done. I rode it about 60 miles today to my sister's place and back. Obviously the paint on that muffler is still curing so I have that smell going on, but no issues whatsoever. Someone was asking earlier about my AFV reading, so here's a screen capture that I took of my ECM droid when I got home about a half hour ago:

AFV reading.jpg
You're a funny guy! Hahaha. I would say that I have a feeling of satisfaction, and a much greater familiarity with the bike for sure though. I'm happy it done. I rode it about 60 miles today to my sister's place and back. Obviously the paint on that muffler is still curing so I have that smell going on, but no issues whatsoever. Someone was asking earlier about my AFV reading, so here's a screen capture that I took of my ECM droid when I got home about a half hour ago:

View attachment 8425

I was trying not being funny . I enjoy doing what you did. :cool:
Thanks. Out the bottom the hose just dumps out. I mean, how much could really be coming out of there anyway?

Bro you’d be surprised haha. Mine looks like nut coming out when it fills my can. Some is liquid clear, but some of it is thicker whiteish creamy looking stuff. After seeing that, I’m GLAD I did that mod cause all that crap would be on your filter
Bro you’d be surprised haha. Mine looks like nut coming out when it fills my can. Some is liquid clear, but some of it is thicker whiteish creamy looking stuff. After seeing that, I’m GLAD I did that mod cause all that crap would be on your filter

OK....well, whatever comes out of it I'll never see. Haha. All I've seen thus far is what looks like condensation....

I’d add a small catch can lol. Saves the clean up, and ensures none of the gunk finds its way near your rear tire while riding. Or at least plug it and just drain every few hundred miles.

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