Metal shavings on primary drain bolt. Normal or...

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Feb 6, 2011
Ok so my 07 XB12R has 4000 miles. I just changed oil yesterday to 20-50 royal purple in swingarm and primary. The swingarm had no metal shavings. The primary had a good amount. Is this normal from break in to 4000 miles? Idk when oil was change last I just bought it used. Here's the picture.


I have had the same results drig an oil change. No problems as of yet. 2003 xb9r and thos photo was taken 3000 miles ago.
Ok so nothin to worry about then I'm hoping. I'll change oil in another 2k to be sure.
gaxb9r's is normal yours looks like theres a couple big chunks in it.

I do see what you're talking about in that first pic. Were all of the shavings small, or did you have some chunks in there? Hard to tell by the pics.
If there was nothing large in there i think it is fine. Just looks like it may have never been changed before and possibly a small bit of water.
I drained it checked everything tightened everything. It stays under a cover and doesn't see rain. Glad I changed it. I'll keep an eye on things and change again early. No big chunks just bigger shavings than others.
Ahhhh....well it hasn't been messed with since factory I would assume. I'll check in next oil change with results..
Ill take a look at the manual when I get home. Its like .25" - .5" free play if I remember correctly?