My 99 X1

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well I now have a broken rear muffler band too. And from the looks of it it was broke for a while, and the front ear on the muffler looks like where it all started. Looks like the rubber mounts wore out prematurely and then wore the hole on the outside ear bigger allowing a ton of vibration to then tear apart the rear band.

The sucky part is Ive only put about 300 miles on the bike so far, this looks like a problem that started way before I got the bike. I just wish I had noticed it sooner so I could address the problem when I had the bike tore down instead of now after Its time to ride. lol

SOOOOOOOOOOOO for now I think I will just weld up a new ear on the muffler and get a new L bracket (the muffler wore half of it away too) for the front and a new band clamp in the rear, so far Ive sourced everything but the rubber mounts for the front, anybody have a source for these?

The Y hanger is available still for 130 bucks (with rubbers)... just the rubbers??... no where I know of!! One of mine is shot and I was thinking of looking at some shock absorber eye mount bushings. Might get lucky.
Ya I saw the Y hanger on ASB and gave it a ton of thought, but I dont want to spend a third of the cost of a new D and D muffler on a Y hangar when I could be back on the road for probably less than 50 bucks. I have a used L hangar and a NOS rear band clamp coming off ebay for 30 bucks so far. An exhaust system wasnt in the budget for this year I was putting that off till next year.
Well I have the ear on the muffler welded back up, getting ready to shoot some paint. I also have a NOS rear clamp and rear bushings. Come to find out the rear bushings are the same dia. as the fronts, just longer, so I ordered two sets so Ill just cut one set of them shorter and they will work on the front ;)


On the road again! Your repaired mount looks better than the original. Did you notice how the rear strap is put together? I thought someone had done a shoddy repair on mine.. nope.. thats how they were made. I am not ripping on tubers by any means. Just saying its obvious the bike was built around a motor intended for something else.

Happy trails sir!
I hear ya NWR, Ive been trying to stay positive with this bike but the more I ride it and the more I fix things that come loose or broke, I miss the smooth running Jap inline 4's. I hate to say is but the 1978 CB750 Super Sport I used to have handled better than this beast. So far Im just not in love with it.
Really? I love riding mine. Gotta like working on th
em too though. I found a sneaky spot to hide the horn... I just read u wanted to relocate it. If you pull the tank off there is a hole in the gusset next to the front isolator. It's a tight fit but the bendy bracket on the horn can be bent so it doesn't rattle against anything. I can post a pic later if ya want.
I like riding it, but only because its all I have right now:p Its just different and not what Im used to I guess?
Part of my problem is I just cant get the clip on bars where I want them because the tank has such a odd shape I cant position them down and back where they should be. I got a set of MX bars and test fit them today and I dunno about those either? The height is ok on them but the pull back sucks. Ill keep searching tho.

OH YA post pics of your horn location, I think I know where you are talking about. I was kinda looking at places to mount it today when I was putting my muffler and mounts back in....
What type of mirrors are those? How do they vibrate compared to the stock ones? I'm looking to get rid of the mickey mouse ears that are on my bike right now.
Is that FI or carbed?

If carbed I have a V&H SS2R carbon fiber pipe and heat wrapped headers up on eBay for it!
I'll let you know when I get something to replace them. Might not be until this winter. The wife isn't the happiest with how much I've dropped on my toy so far this year.