My luck just got better! (rear ended)

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Looks like it was about time for a new front tire anyways.
Yeah! I just ordered new tires! This weekend i was going home and was going to ride with all of my close friends as they got their bikes fixed (back at home) and here at college my close riding friends were coming back with me to ride as well. It was going to be epic. But not anymore :\

I wouldve loved for it to be a middle aged dude cause then i probably wouldve beat his ass. But i cant hit a young college girl. Pretty sure i made her feel like **** though which is good. When we all departed ways she once again goes "im so sorry" and i just look at her and go "O dont worry about it, happens all the time" stone cold look.
Wow dude, glad your still kickin! Seeing pics like this of people getting rear ended scares the crap outta me, noone paying attention to us. I try to flash my brake light so they'll hopefully wake up, put the phone down, shut their kids up, and start looking.
glad your ok Loki [up]

what happened to you and your Buell :( [down]

I hope everything works in your favour and like extreme said
the most important thing with your crash by far is you lived

did I mention what a stupid bitch...
any idea if she was on her cell (I know talking on cell phones while driving is as bad a drinking and driving, I beleieve the term is distracted driving)

IMHO anyone talking on a cell phone while driving no matter what type of vehicle, is an idiot of the highest calibre and does not deserve the privledge to drive.
I could care less if people think using a handsfree device is ok, your still not paying attention to whats going on around you and you endanger yourself and everyone else on the road!
any idea if she was on her cell
If you look at the tenth picture down you see a cop car in the parking lot. He was talking to some people so i believe she was gawking at them. Im going to call the police department and try to get them to put a failure to yield on her since a CNI is only like a 50$ charge. But im to lazy to call and hit her with another charge, esp since her insurance has already accepted liability.
Man, Loki! Glad you are ok, man! As others have said, that is the important part. Build what you want now, and ride it like you stole it!
holy ****.... man I am glad your OK... this is my worst fear... Most people take their mirrors off their bikes around here but I refuse... I always look behind me when stopping, as I am sure you did but its just one of those things you can't move out of the way in time... bikes can be replaced life's cannot !!

glad you walked away relatively un-hurt....
well that just sucks. glad ur ok man. thats alot of damage for that slow of speed.

are you gonna get another buell?
geez, glad you guys are ok, ive been on streetbikes since the day i turned 16, over 9 years ago, and never wrecked on a public street EVER, (im knocking on wood, i promise)

but i dont know how nice i would be if someone just slammed into the back of me, id be suing the **** out of thier insurance company for a nice settlement, thats for DAMN sure!
[down][mad] I dont know what I would of done if that was me , but I know I have been hit before in a car and I didnt hesitate to get out and let someone know they hit me ...

I am sorry for your misfortune, I am sorry for the loss of a beuatiful bike , make sure you buy it back dont let the bike savages have her and strip her and fleabay her ...

I am glad to see you are ok , people just need to fukin learn already to " Start seeing Motorcycles " not that hard to do .. open your eyes get off the dam phones , maybe they should bring cars back from the 60s with am turn knob radio and no gadgets , put a lead roof on the car for no cell phone reception ...
Loki jeez man.


I'm glad you're ok, but you need to move or something.
Join the Navy.

It's a global force for good.
almost got rear ended today myself.. they locked em up and i just moved forward in time.. sheshhh!
Join the Navy.
I dont think the army would like that! lol

Typically this town is good for watching out for bikers but i guess since winter is about over and the bikes are coming out again they forgot to watch out for us.
I would be in jail i carry a small 38 inside my right boot shoot the hood tires grill then somebody would put me in handcuffs...
I would be in jail i carry a small 38 inside my right boot shoot the hood tires grill then somebody would put me in handcuffs...

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