My Ride gone WRONG!!!!.........

Buellxb Forum

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I was right behind him when it happened and to see the side profile of that sweet bike 7 feet in the air tumbling and peel off the top of a street sign was unbelievable. Glad you are ok and it was nice meeting you and sarah. let's hope the next meet is a little more uneventful. Rest up man and think about the next bike[up]
Brandon-glad to hear your ok....the bike, can be fixed! It s you that is a huge asset to this forum ,not the bike! But that will be a thread to watch (rebuild)
glad you're ok. thats a shame that was a good looking bike.

are/were you on s10forum? I saw another thread with a pic of your truck and it and your screen name looked familiar.
Man that saddens me![down] Glad you're OK though. Your 1st accessory for the rebuild coming early next week. :D Hang in there bro!
glad youre okay man, especially that you only bruised your heel. That has got to be the most pain I have ever experienced, breaking a heel sucks. I see that your axel sliders probably helped save a little. I wonder if frame pucks would have kept the frame from denting, I have no idea. So have you gotten a chance to see what all is wrong with the bike? keep us posted man.
you know whats best after a wreak to help calm down... SEXUAL HEALING BAAAABYYYYY!

Yeah that is what Sara said, but I am in to much pain to worry about that right now, hell I cant even pick up a spoon full of cereal to feed my gimp ass. Everything has to be done with my left arm and I am right handed[down]

are/were you on s10forum?

I was on the forum for like 7yrs, but sold my truck a couple months ago. here is a shot of it next to my New 2010 Tundra and my newly toasted Buell....
Glad to hear that you are OK, and the bike doesn't look like a total loss. I'm sure you will be up and running in no time with resources you have available to you.
Glad ur ok. Bikes can always fixed and replaced. Its just a excuse to build a better bike now. Hehe
Sara is all good, she didn't see the crash so I know that help the most. As mentioned all she see was some dust then me stand up and throw my helmet to the ground.

Then the pain started to kick in, just glad I didn't break anything [smirk][up]

work is going to SUCK ass tomorrow I really don't know how I am going to function since I can't walk very good and my right arm and shoulder are shot, maybe I can just sweet talk my supervisor into some easy job sitting on my ass:D
Sorry about the bike, glad that you are OK. Motorcycles do have a tendency to place second in the wildlife bulldoging competition. I feel your pain....
sorry to here.
Glad ur ok.
"We can rebuid it, Better faster stronger" to paraphrase Oscar Goldman from "The Six Million Dollar Man"

Hey B how did your gear hold up? Kinda curious how the mesh jacket handled the crash
Glad you where able to walk away from the crash.Bikes can be replaced, people can't.As for the healing part, I am sure Buellchick can get you to rise to the occasion.