Mystery. My Buell

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She's beautiful, brother. You seem to be classing her up alot. Very tasteful, keep up that good work and keep posting photos for me to oogle at.
Nicely done sir.

Don't fret the College Debt Crisis. I've got a little bit, but it's all tied up in 4 bikes and 1 school loans as of yet. You're only young once so you might as well do some **** you'll regret later...or not regret later if you can bag the right woman ;).
Haha thanks. And o I'm doing fine in school. I'm just saying I don't have all the money I want for this bike AT the moment lol but anyways! So today I started taking the paint off my rails got one done but this tail piece is going to be a bitch! I'm going to use many coats of paint stripper haha.


And I also made my final choice on paint lol...maybe... Interlagos Blueeeee


Now this is for all my plastics/fiberglass (you guys have yet to see ;) ) and all my metal will be black.
Ha ha ooo man wolfo I can't even imagine! I hate this guy for even painting three things and I paid for them! Lol and ill text you tomorrow maybe I can take a look at that seat.
Got the call from ricks today. My stator and MOSFET VR will be here Friday picking up my rails tomorrow from badtitan. Then dropping them off at my powder on Thursday. Bought me some amsoil 20-50 today. And cleaning up my work area getting ready for reassembly Friday and then Saturday go on my last ride with my friend before he moves back to Kansas! :)

Damn. I dont know why they turn sideways like that. It's not like that on my phone!
But Ill post a picture sense you guys always want pictures nothing really changed I had my clubmens on yesterday but put my comfert kit back on today. Ill try it again when I get it all put back together see what handle bars you guys like. I'm on the fence about. But I just took this picture cause it looks bad as **** haha. If only it was in one piece..better yet ill do a before and after photo from this angle. :). [up]
Ok so me and my friend kind of got bored today so we desided to start messing with my bike and ended up putting the whole tail end back on. After I resurfaced the rails from sand blasting. I stopped by my painter he said he couldn't do it before Saturday so ill be taking it back off after this weekend to get powder coated next week. But I'm kind of digging the raw look for now haha. Tomorrow put my motor back together and I'm going on a ride!!
I actually really like that raw look. Looks tough with the black. I'd say keep it man.
Redwing. Thanks it's still in consideration haha
And I got my stator back to day it looks amazing! New wires look good.


Then put it all back together brand new amsoil took it for a ride! It was amazing! I may have to hold off on powder coat till later in the riding season. Haha
Took her for a nice ride today stopped at a little memorial in town had one person stop and talk to me about my bike thought that was kind of cool. But here I got some pictures for you picture whores on here ;) Hahaha [up]







^^^^ my favorite

O ya and I don't have a seat latch because I'm still waiting for the guy to ship it to me but my seat fell off today going like 70 or 80 I was pissed but nothing I can do now. nothing to bad I just have to put a new cover on it now.
I tried it and I couldn't get it to latch with that one. That's why I figured they were different.
Got the low seat from wolfo last night at bike night. Looks awesome! Thanks Wolfo Really makes the bike a conferrable ride I need drop pegs and to change the position of the gear shift and brake pedal now. But other then that we are golden! I and love how it is coming along nicely :)

