Mystery. My Buell

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Ya I think that kit is ok i dont know if I'm 100% on it. I have something up my sleeve but it's going to take some work before I can mount it on my cr.
and thanks guys [up]. And girls if there are some on here :p
Got my seat latch today. Just put it on, seat locks good. And I picked up my SS rails from town too they look really good they are just raw now like my s rails and they are for sale if anyone is interested. Ill add pictures tonight or tomorrow
Went for an early cruise. I was working on the bike this morning mostly just under seat. But i definitely am taking the tire hugger off today and I'm going to do some other work to it also. But well I don't know about most of you but when I wanted to do the s tail on my bike you can't find a single image of the wiring under neither the seat and i may get why because it looked ugly and messy with all the wiring. But I honestly put a few hours into it but I'm not dont I'm going to keep refining it and I'm going to. Start taking things out that I don't need. Buuut anyway I think it looks pretty damn good and I can't think of anything else I can do with put taking stuff out.




And finally.






don't know if these are what you were looking for, first couple of pics are not from my bike, the rest are though, last one isn't mine
John, if you're not near your phone post please. I'm hoping that wasn't you tonight.
Ya Wolfo that was me. A SUV pulled out in front of me (o was only going 50-55mph ridght before a blind corner i had no where to go besides into to suv) and my friend on my Buell. I'm still in the hospital with 10 broke ribs 3 cracked vertebra 2 collapsed lungs and a burst friends funereal is tomorrow.....

And nah dude why would I want a picture of that I'm talking about the under seat of a 1125 with a S tail.
Glad to see you're conscious and whatnot, I went out to that turn and figured it had to be something like that. The news reports had everything wrong, barely even mentioned the SUV for the most part.

Let us know if there is anything we can do, we're here for you man.
Thanks everyone. And ya the news didn't know **** there was 4 different stories and they all tried blaming me because I have a my loud keda exhaust but everything adds up on my side so hopefully ill be ok and yes I don't wish this pain on my worst enemy.
They did the same thing to that abby girl that got run off the offramp. It's because it was a sportbike, they don't expect it to be loud unless you're going fast. The "witness" said yoy were doing 100 easily. I knew that wasn't the case.
Well this is the end for this CR. my insurance company sold the bike out from under no cool custom CR thanks to them...

Don't know what I'm going to do at this point either start over and try again with a cr or maybe a scg i don't know...
That really sucks, its a terrible situation all around.

For one of the youngest members on the forum, you really show a lot of skill and effort with your Buell. Hopefully soon you have a new ride, and can show these old grandpa mofos how a bike is supose to look and ride.
Local 1125r for 5k. We could get the different light and harness and make it into a cr?
I payed 4800 for that bike... Ill never find a deal like that again. Not with those upgrades but I promise ill get as damn close as I can Wolfo. Hah and Its not worth the hassle and I want the rarity or a CR.

And theycallmecrash I wasn't aware I ever said my age on here. I was kind of careful not to figure people won't take me serious but yes I have a strong bet I'm one of the youngest on here I joined the forum at the age of 17 when I bought my R after I graduated. Now I'm 18.
Haha ya ill be needing yours!! (Ill be ordering it when I get the bike. This winter) and ya not much can stand up to insurance companies unless maybe you own an oil company haha

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