Need input on hardware

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I've got em for the rear too, and I tell you those pulley bolts are very well made. broke an impact socket and the socket shot me in the head with a shard.
Ya I'd assume most auto parts stores would have the bleeder screws in stock, they are fairly generic. Glad I could help!
I appreciate all the help. Can't believe it took me ~2 hours of searching online to get 2-3 dozen bolts or so.
OK so local places do not have the bleeders or banjo bolts.

I need:

M8 x 1.25 x 28mm bleeder
M10 x 1 x 33mm bleeder
M10 x 1 x 20.32mm banjo

and the washers to fit the banjo
Well after searching another 1-2 hours I found these parts as well. Got dorman bleeders, and got the banjo bolt from ebay some place over the sea.
I could only find about half of what I needed at fastenal. But all is well, I believe I have ALL hardware needed on order. Should all be here in 1-2 weeks.
Most of the hardware I ordered came in yesterday. Most was from It's really nice, everything is individually packaged in baggies and indicates material, size, etc. The only thing I'm questioning is if the rear rotor and rear pulley bolts I got from another company(not packaged indicating all the info) are actually grade 8 or whatever grade they said they were. They are button head torx and have 4 dots in the head. I assume the 4 dots indicates the grade, just not sure what it means. Anyone know?
They could be the right grade but if they are black oxide like the picture shows they will rust very fast, and it sounds like you are replacing them because the old ones look bad. Harley sells really good hardware. Why not get the bolts from them?
I am replacing them mainly because I had to cut the heads of the stock ones off(the rear rotor, anyway). I couldn't get them out. The pulley ones I just wanted them to be black, not silver.

I bought very few black oxide bolts, I think these two items were the only ones, actually. If they don't hold up I can replace them later on when doing tires again. But if the oem hardware hadn't rusted in 7 years and I assume it's the same material/coating, why would these?

Just looking for confirmation of what 4 dots on the head means. They are like indents.
Hey guys, I need to replace some hardware on my bike that is corroded/rusted and looks bad.
i guess this misled me then.

But if the oem hardware hadn't rusted in 7 years and I assume it's the same material/coating, why would these?
OEM is zinc plated...not the same as black oxide?

like this? ive never seen that before and cant find any information on it in my books.
i guess this misled me then.

Sorry yeah majority of what I replaced was for that reason, but I had to cut the rear rotor bolts off.

OEM is zinc plated...not the same as black oxide?

Rear rotor bolts were black, not silver.

Yeah the new ones look identical to that except black.

I appreciate the help.
Rear rotor bolts were black, not silver.
ah i was thinking pulley but i guess the rotor ones are black.

i think the black ones that harley uses are a black zinc. let us know if the black oxide you bought lasts or not.

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