Neutral light no worky

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I have the same bike 03' xb9s and had the same problem. I took the connection loose to the kick stand switch and cut it of then used a wire connector and tied those two wires together. This "fools" the bike into thinking the stands ALWAYS up and will let you start the bike (still have to have clutch in when starting) but after its running you can let go of the clutch AS LONG as you ARE in nuetral....just what i did but my light still flickers when riding, like i pull the clutch and the light turns on and i'm in 1st, but then goes off when i release the clutch...doesn't bother me though. Nick
Jimmy_Lightning, did you ever resolve this?

I have the exact same problem with my 03 xb9r. I'm to the point where I'm just going to order a new neutral sensor, and kickstand sensor since they aren't too expensive and see where it takes me. I've already replaced diodes and fuses.
weasle, just bypass the kick stand switch first. If you buy an upgraded side-stand kit, no switch is included, it is eliminated.
Actually, I just tested the neutral switch this morning as per the manual and with it grounded everything worked correctly. So I'm stopping by the stealership after work and picking it up. Looks like my kickstand parts are fine.
Just want to say I luv this forum. Although I don't post as much I read a lot. Especially to find solutions to problems like this topic. Eventhough this topic is dated from 2011. Some people like me just bought or are new to Buell. So I thought this solution might help those. [up]

I had the same issue, that my neutral light stopped working. I followed the steps from Sirius815 and went on through to find the problem.

0) check if bulb is blown --> Not blown, tested this by reversing the diode in the opposite direction and switching on ignition. (if reversed bulb will be lit and will switch off when pulling the clutch in)

You physically put the transmission into neutral and...
1) Light on? yes/no --> NO
2) Start with clutch left alone? yes/no --> NO (before I sometimes was able to start with clutch left out, but sometimes I had this machine-gun tikking sound, So I always used to pull the clutch).
3) Start with clutch pull? yes/no --> YES
4) Bike dies when clutch released? yes/no --> NO

I've tested the switch underneath the clutch lever, with an ohm meter. Measure the ohms, when lever is pulled and not pulled. If there is not changes in readings, then this switch is broke. Mine was fine.

So I figured it was the neutral switch on the right hand side of the bike. To get there you have to remove the plastic cover from the front pulley (3 bolts). After this you can see the connector and need to pry this off the switch. You can measure the ohms also, when in neutral and in gear. If there is not changes in readings, then this switch is broke. Mine was broken.

But since this is a tight spot like everybody mentioned above it's a little tricky to get this switch out. I wasn't able to access this with a grinded down socket. So I used a pair of long nosed pliers to get it out. See pic below:




Hope this helps any-one in future :D
I have a kinda related Neutral light question. My new '07 XB-12Ss (story to be regaled shortly:)) has the neutral light come on whenever the clutch is pulled? So you're in gear, come to a light, pull the clutch an the light comes on and stays on in any gear and even neutral until you let the clutch out and it either goes out (in gear) or stays on (in neutral).
The sales guy said it was normal, but I've never seen that before.
I have a kinda related Neutral light question. My new '07 XB-12Ss (story to be regaled shortly) has the neutral light come on whenever the clutch is pulled? So you're in gear, come to a light, pull the clutch an the light comes on and stays on in any gear and even neutral until you let the clutch out and it either goes out (in gear) or stays on (in neutral).
The sales guy said it was normal, but I've never seen that before.

Did you try checking the fusebox and reversing the Diode 'fuse'? It might be that the diode is in the wrong way.
Fusebox is located underneath the seat, close to the latch of the seat near the rear of the bike.
I knew cause one day I was in a frantic search looking for a blown fuse. I pulled the diode and thought to myself...what the hell is this? I put it back in the wrong way:( and thought oh crap now more stuff is broke. Thanks to the forum my problem got fixed:). Glad it worked for you too[up]
thanks a lot for the instructions and pics. I have a 09 12xbs with only 7000 miles and this switch craped on me. Now i know how to fix it without going to the dealer that doesn't want to work on Buell anymore.
Do you have the part number? Mine went out a few weeks ago but sometimes it will come on.
New to the forum and, naturally, I'm "enjoying" the quirks and foibles of the Buell. I'm compelled to share and hopefully help release someone else in the future from resorting to questioning their sanity.
It's the neutral switch. Again.
Actually, the switch was easy and covered many times already. Once I'd replaced it I found a new fault. The neutral light would come on every time I pulled the clutch in. It would go out every time I let the clutch out while in gear. It would stay lit when in neutral, regardless of clutch lever pulled in or not. This was pretty useless when you wanted to really sit in neutral with engine running because you still have to gently let the clutch out to feel it bite.

As mentioned here, it was the diode fuse. I spent all afternoon dicking around with the multimeter trying all manner of witchcraft. I had one last look on here and there was the answer. Now the rest of the family can enjoy a peaceful evening and the Bank Holiday hasn't been ruined.

Thanks guys, made my weekend :)

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