You're on the right track for sure:up:
At that relay socket, you can test the entire electrical circuit for the starter. Test terminals #30 and #87. On one (usually #30) you should have battery voltage (+12.5V), that means the other on goes right to the starter solenoid. Make sure you are in neutral and jumper (10ga wire) from the battery (+) to that terminal to see if the bike cranks. Yes? jumper between #30 and #87. Yes? test the next circuit.
If no, keep the jumper on that wire and test for battery voltage at the starter solonoids small wire (of the three). Yes? test both the big wires at the starter, you should have voltage at BOTH of them. One goes straight to the battery, the other powers the starter. voltage at both, Yes? replace the starter. No voltage? check the battery (+) cable.
The other circuit to test is the button side (#85 and #86). On side should be ground (grounded through both the neutral safety switch AND the clutch switch at the lever), the other side should show battery voltage when you press the yellow button. No ground? jumper the clutch switch and re-test. No power on the other terminal? There is a 4 pin connector under the windscreen that feeds the right hand controls. Test the wire from the switch (Black-red stripe(?)) I believe theres power there because your runswitch uses the same supply and activates the pump.
You have done a fine job with details, and that helps diagnosis considerably, Thank you
Let me know exactly what you found with those tests and your bike will be fixed by the next post.
At that relay socket, you can test the entire electrical circuit for the starter. Test terminals #30 and #87. On one (usually #30) you should have battery voltage (+12.5V), that means the other on goes right to the starter solenoid. Make sure you are in neutral and jumper (10ga wire) from the battery (+) to that terminal to see if the bike cranks. Yes? jumper between #30 and #87. Yes? test the next circuit.
If no, keep the jumper on that wire and test for battery voltage at the starter solonoids small wire (of the three). Yes? test both the big wires at the starter, you should have voltage at BOTH of them. One goes straight to the battery, the other powers the starter. voltage at both, Yes? replace the starter. No voltage? check the battery (+) cable.
The other circuit to test is the button side (#85 and #86). On side should be ground (grounded through both the neutral safety switch AND the clutch switch at the lever), the other side should show battery voltage when you press the yellow button. No ground? jumper the clutch switch and re-test. No power on the other terminal? There is a 4 pin connector under the windscreen that feeds the right hand controls. Test the wire from the switch (Black-red stripe(?)) I believe theres power there because your runswitch uses the same supply and activates the pump.
You have done a fine job with details, and that helps diagnosis considerably, Thank you
Let me know exactly what you found with those tests and your bike will be fixed by the next post.