Neutral Switch??

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Jun 28, 2017
Hello everyone,

Having an interesting issue with my 2003 xb9s.Was going out for a ride today. Stopped to get gas and when I tried putting it in neutral I noticed the light didn't come on. Didn't think anything of it until I filled up and tried to start again.To start it I have to hold the clutch but once its running and the kick stand is up it will go into neutral however the light does not come on. My thoughts are a neutral switch ?? Im not too familiar with motorcycles so my best guess is a neutral switch or possible a fuse ?? any recommendations would be much appreciated.
thanks !
98% gonna be the neutral safety switch. It's a tiny black sensor with one wire located just infant of your transmission output pulley. You'll have to pull off the plastic cover to see it.

To test: It should show continuity to ground in neutral. Test the rest of the system by grounding that sensor wire, and the neutral light should come on (Ignition on of course)
do what shaughn said which is always great advice.
factory part # 33900-99 neutral safety switch....infinite amount in system...retail $14.60
here is where it's located. tedious as hell to remove with front pulley in place but can be done with strong hand, top quality long nosed vice-grips and patience. some remove it, clean it and reinstall. IMO not worth the time and effort with a 15 year old $15 part.

Awesome thanks so much for the help guys its much appreciated !! Im going to try and get it fixed this weekend

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