New buell owner, no 4th or 5 gear

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well im tearing down the motor finally.. how much of the heads do i have to pull apart on these?? im trying to stay away from any un needed work..
just got both heads off, cylinder walls look great.. had to go pick up a socket to get the pulley off and we'll go from there
ok guys im stuck.. cant get the pulley off for the belt at all, i know its a reverse thread and that things not budging, any help?? i need to remove that to get everything else apart correct?? what does it look like i have left

This should give you an idea on how to lock it in place. I believe I was locking the drive pully nut in this picture. If loosening, the plate would be in the opposite orientation. Have someone brace the engine while you apply torque to loosen the nut.

Exactly right. To get to your tranny you have to split the case. You have to lock the cluth and drive gear together in order to loosen the nut. Its not as tight as you think. You are going to need a complete gasket set and the silicone to put the engine halfs together is Corning 732 if I recall.
I am waiting for a new piston ring compressor to come in so that I can reinstall the jugs. The compressor I have is too big.
alright guys update.. blocks split.. found 5 more peices of the gear dogs, and can see a tooth broke off one of the gears.. Only problem is i cant get the gears out or otherwords off the side of the block. any help please??
There is a torx bolt that is on the end of one of the trans shafts that has to be removed. It's under the clutch basket area on the left side. Then you have to tap out the two shift fork shafts using the provided slots(again, in the area / side the clutch basket was on. Things should start to come apart once you have the bolt and the shift fork shafts removed. Might have to tap a little on the shaft that the bolt was on.
The maint manuals have all this in them. They are invaluable reference and you can download them from links above! Good luck. It can be done. I know as I'm riding mine after doing exactly what you are now! :)
Oh! And while you have it apart, I was told by Randy Hawk (of the awesome mufflers) that you should also change to the bronze oil pump gear, away from the steel one. What has everyone else heard? Good idea while it's apart?
alright hopefully getting this rest away apart tonight!!! thanks guys.. do i leave the shafts in the gears are on or should i remove those from the block?
FINALLYYYY!!!! got this thing apart! time to replace parts and put back together.. Seems only the gear and fork got screwed.. can i just replace these to peieces and get it back together?? theres no other damage




You should. I'm going through the same thing but mine was the 1-2 shift fork and it only damaged the fork and the shift cam. Make sure you check the shift cam and make sure there is no gouges in it. I'm waiting for the broken pieces then I'm going to just clean everything good and reassemble.
can you get the individual pieces from a parts store?? didnt know if you have to buy all together as a set or seperatly
I got mine from the HD dealership. The forks and gears can be bought individually. If you get the part numbers you can order them from which is what I did. The forks aren't to bad and neither is the shift dog, the shift cam though that's what hurt my wallet. Don't forget a gasket set and some case sealant for reassemble.
Here is what I bought and what it retailed at my local dealer.
Shift Fork $34
Complete Engine Gasket Set $144.10
Shift Cam $115
I didn't need a shift dog but got a price just in case and it was $56.95
I also had a blown cooling fan so I had to pick that up too. I plugged in the part numbers into and saved some money so for the shift fork, shift cam, and engine gasket set was $240 because I ended up not needing the shift dog ring. Yours may be a little more since you will need the shift dog ring and since it's a gear will probably be a little more. If your shift cam is good then you may get away cheaper then me. I still need to pick up the ThreeBond to put the cases back together so I'm not completely done with getting stuff yet. I'm trying to get it back together as cheap as I can but still want to make sure everything is fixed. I'm on a college student budget so not doing anything fancy with it especially since it's my daily rider.

I'm still waiting for parts since I just found out what I needed last weekend so ordered parts on Monday. I'm pretty much replacing what looks broken and putting it back together.
well i just got back from local shop.. i need the gear above^, the gear the runs off that, and a fork and gasket kit totalling around 500 bucks.. little outta my budget right now.. anyone got some used parts??
What exact parts do you need if you can come up with part #'s you can enter them in at and probably get the parts a lot cheaper. I'll pm you a link to a parts list. I just got my parts this morning after getting the wrong shift fork so I should be starting reassembly this weekend but I'll be gone all day Sat so may not get a huge dent into it till next weekend.

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