New buell owner, no 4th or 5 gear

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In the manual it says to pretty much have everything in fourth gear but how do I set that since the trans was locked outta that gear and I couldn't scribe a line
Don't worry about the scribe. They tell you to put it in forth cause you need to get the shift spring thing in the right place when you push it out of the way when putting the cases together. Its number 5 in the picture. I couldn't scribe mine cause I replaced the shift cam. You have to push that out of the way when you put the cases back together otherwise you will bend it. If it feels like your cases aren't going together all the way then you are hitting that and probably bending it. Also I used Yamabond to seal the cases. You should be able to get it at a Yamaha dealer.

Here is a pic of what position I put the shift cam in to ensure it was in a spot that was easier to get the shift spring out of the way the best.

Yama-bond for the cases.
Now I have not read the shop manual in a minute but the last time I did it I had the trans in natural. But honestly I don't think it matters as long as you have the shift forks in place and nothing is at a bind.
well thanks for the info on that part.. i seem to have the transmission together right now, but when trying to shift it "the block is still split", it wont shift threw all the gears, i can get 1,n, 2 and trying to get to 3 it doesnt seem to catch the pegs right on the shift cam
You won't be able to get through all the gears. The shafts need to be in their spot on the other side of the case to absorb the forces to not move to switch gears. The shift cam is only supposed to have a moment where it only spins thats why there is a spot for the other side to sit in the other side of the case, the same for the shafts. If they aren't then they are experiencing a slight left and right force which will is probably causing the fork to not move fluidly. Also there is the piece that is on the other side that has to catch the shift dog from the other shaft. As long as the forks are in the right path and make sure you lube the shafts since the gears in the trans don't spin till you are moving so they will be dry of oil when you first put it back together till you go for a ride so dont be trying to blaze through all the gears till you take her around the block first. I put my cases back together put everything back together, started her up and got it in neutral and made sure everything was right with the engine as far as oil level, tps, etc. Then I took her for a leasurely ride then when I got back I shifted through all the gears. It was still a little tight for at least 100 miles but have put about 2000 now and shifts like she did when I first got her.
awsome that makes me feel alot better... ill snap some pictures of how it looks right now and post them and tell me what you guys think so far, i would love to get this back together soon!!!
Looks fine to me just make sure you put your stator wires back behind that plate so they dont get cut up. When you put the cases together do a test run or 2 making sure you get that spring piece out of the way before putting on the case sealer. Don't want to put on the sealer and mess up having to wipe it all off to try again cause you have to bend something back into place.
Your shift drum is 180deg off. You need the moon notch at about the 10 o'clock to make it easier to move the neutral switch arm out of the way when you slide the cases together
^What squid said I didn't notice that. Mine is a 06 so some of the gears are angled for strength. Pre-05 are straight gears.
Yep I did what squid said with the screwdriver and did a couple dry runs before finally applying the Yamabond and sealing her up.
subscribing to this. Buying a Bolt tomorrow that is apparently stuck in 2nd. I'm sure i'll be doing this soon. Thanks guys.
Keep the pics coming
im so fed up with this lol, somone in the area wanna put this back together for me??? ill pay and all, and i can meet half way orr whatever.. someone close in chicago would be nice.. i live in rockford illinois

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