^^^^^^ sir: that was just me impersonating our beloved ich who occasionally trolls the board in both english and german jibberish. not rubbed incorrectly in the least. YES to your question. all XB's have nissin master cylinders front and rear. very straight forward items. the rear has a pressure switch to activate brake light....the front a little analog type button switch. tell-tale sign of rear switch on the way to switch heaven is abnormally heavy pressure to activate it. test your rear brake light switch as i mentioned in your copy and paste....cleaning the switch pressure port seldom works....they're reasonably priced. test bulb with ohm-meter...test bulb and socket and wiring circuit by turning key on....red run switch can be on or off.....and with small piece of wire connect the 2 rear master cylinder switch wires. light activates? faulty switch.
You were right, here was the culprit... Bad switch. New one came in today, installed, brake bleed and she works perfect. Thanks LF and others.

Besides a lot of S-100, WD40, and sweat cleaning up the bike, there are a number of small things I have had to do to get things right. The biggest is replacing the exhaust actuator cable. The previous owner disconnected it and tied the valve open and didn't do a tune. I decided to have it reconnected back to stock. The cable just arrived at the shop. Hope to have the guy install it Saturday. Cable was $31 + install (hopefully not more than $100). Would have used the old one but the cable was damaged on the exhaust end.
All in all I hope I only put out $250-300 total to get this bike in very good original stock condition. I'll post a complete punch list, with costs, after the exhaust cable is installed.
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