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you can chuck your rear hugger fender and that belt gaurd too.. when I was changing tires, I dropped that rear fender and there was 1/4lb of sand and oil trapped behind it.. I dumped the fender and it made no differece.. same with all the belt gaurds.. no real need for them and it cleans up the look.

I will do that, Im in the process of prepping all the Plastics for paint and some will get Carbon fiber Wrap..

While your at it, check your kick stand pivot bolt, mine sheared off at the threads yesterday, luckily i was on the bike when the stand fell off. Theres an upgraded bolt on the 06 and newer models.
Ill check that out aswell, thanks for advice!!
Those pipes can take a beating as long as the internals aren't rattling around haha

It is sound, just the bottom is dented.. when its black you wont beable to tell.. haha

Any of you guys know where i can find the light delay for the HIDs? i watched a video on the forums and i cant find it [mad]
Im looking for the delay that keeps the lights off untill the bike is started, i think it was a 45 sec delay??
what is the carbon wrap for? I would not suggest putting any fake carbon tape on a Buell.. save up for the real thing, you can get all those plastic body parts in carbon right off of ebay.. Ive seen chinese carbon with UV protectant and the whole nine yards for like 100 bucks per piece.. a carbon nose is like 200 or so. The air scoop is 110 last I saw. Also, that plastic can be a bitch to get glossy.. Id use black fusion and a few coats of Fusion Clear.. wont really look like a stock piece though.. I was able to get a chin faring pretty close to factory black.. I used a used yellow replacement for like 25 I found on ebay

Take your heel gaurds back down to the bare aluminium.. they look good in raw aluminum or black..
what is the carbon wrap for? I would not suggest putting any fake carbon tape on a Buell..

I have seen a Lightning running around Vegas it had some Carbon wrap on it. Looked good.. Its a short cheap way to dress the bike up is all.. Im blacking everything out minus the wind screen and the wheels.. ill look in the real carbon fiber parts on ebay :p
HID's install if you hadn't found it yet.

If you want _useable_ light output, do NOT go over 5k for the color range, anything higher puts out less visible spectrum light that you can see. I have 5k HID's in my 1125, I really wish I had listened to advice prior to purchasing mine and went with the 4500k color range instead.

Stock color is around 3500k or so, the low beam HID in this pic is only 35 watts @ 5k color (on the left) and the stock halogen high beam is 55 watts, both are on.

Welcome, Bryce! Can't believe the great deal you got.

Do I see an engine stand in the background?

Yes sir it is, I am rebuliding a 95 ZX-9R full tear down.. its been a long project.. its my forever project.. Have ran into some big snags but time and $$$ fixes everything haha..

here is some info for you Kingtiger. Check out the airbox mods. You can also remove the tourqe cone down in the air intake hole in the frame. The last owner may have done this already but if not, just pull it out by hand. It will give better top end. Deleting the whole inner airbox is good too but you gotta have the intake cone in the top lid, it shows it in the performance section. I also recommend the "breather re-route" mode to get the water vapor out of the intake stream, it will run smoother.
I forgot to mention on that breather re-route, you want to T- in a small cheap air filter from autozone in the last few inches of the hose, I put mine behind my left ankle gaurd.. it prevents vaccum building up in the line and lets the water drip out freely. Someone on here can post of pic of what Im talking about.. and we have whole sections on that mod here on this site.
I forgot to mention on that breather re-route, you want to T- in a small cheap air filter from autozone in the last few inches of the hose, I put mine behind my left ankle gaurd.. it prevents vaccum building up in the line and lets the water drip out freely. Someone on here can post of pic of what Im talking about.. and we have whole sections on that mod here on this site.

I think it has been done, but the "Tee" with the breather is running towards the front of the bike on the left side??
yeah thats it, but hes got his breather in a place that I dont like.. if you want you can re-route the main hose and have it come out at the base of the tail and go straight down.. cut and re-install so the the breather filter is right behind your left ankle gaurd.. looks alot cleaner in my opinion. And I like the cone shaped filter from advanced auto parts better.. its only like 10 bucks and looks like a little K&N filter.. but yeah youre already by-passed.. the last owner knew his ****.
now pull your outer airbox cover snap a pic.. then pull the inner cover off and snap a pic for me.. cool?

Yeah give me a few im Covered in High temp paint from that Race exhaust!! looks brand NEW!! thanks MAN saved me big bucks!! Pics will follow..



Heres what i have.. I have it disasembled already.. It does have a K&N filter[up]

Also heres the before Exhaust:

And the After:

Looks awesome.. 4 coats did a good job..

Also here is The plastics with 3 coats primer and 2 coats Flat black:


Next is Clear x 3 coats and HEAT!!! and she will be Rdy.. Im gonna hold off on the Carbon im really likeing the Flat black, I like the Shadowed BUELL on the Air box cover [up]
That three wire plug that you have dangling, I'm not sure what it's for but my 2005 xb9r has that but has a rubber plug in it, no cut wires. I was wondering what it is too. Being on the tail of the bike I was doubting it's part of the exhaust valve.
Yeah looking good. OK. he has the tourqe cone out of the air duct in the frame. That will give you a few more horse on the top end. If you can get a used tourqe cone for a few bucks you cant put it in there and get some more tourqe on the bottom end if you want. Your race ecm is a learning ecm, it only takes a few miles of riding for it to automatically adjust to the cone or the lack of the cone.
Youve got the old innter airbox cover without the holes. You can either cut holes all over the sides like swiss cheese with a 1" hole-saw OR you can just cut the sides of the whole inner airbox off.. BUT DONT CUT ANY HOLES ON THE TOP OF THE INNER AIR BOX!! The top of the inner airbox has a cone on the inside to reduce intake turbulance!! The ultimate airbox mod is to just have that TOP holding the airfilter in place. You can cut the top off and then drill a small hole in the top and an matching hole on the airbox bottom plate for a long bolt and a wing-nut to hold the airbox top to the top of the airfilter.. there is a picture of it on that link I sent you in the preformance section.

The hole in the front of the race pipe I have never seen before.. he was doing something to reduce back pressure I think and Im not sure that was the way to go.. you may want to do more research .. it may be better to plug that hole with something.. maybe a piece of metal held in with JB weld?
I would also clean up those grommets on either side of the mass airflow sensor in the lower airbox plate.. that was a ratty job.. seal them off with something better .. dont use silicone sealant (may damage the mass airflow sensor) I would use some proper grommets or maybe something held in with RTV (room temperature vulcanizing rubber)

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