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Kintiger, now that you saved all that money, go ahead and pick up a cheap Battery Tender Jr. for 20 bucks and install the quick-connect to you battery.. run the quick connect down from the tail to behind your right ankle gaurd.. it will blend right in with brake lines and be real easy to get to.

If you do alot of real short hops that battery will always be short-charged and it will kill it over time.. I keep mine plugged in whenever im not riding.. nothing like a good, deep trickle-charge to keep a battery alive.
If you do alot of real short hops that battery will always be short-charged and it will kill it over time.. I keep mine plugged in whenever im not riding.. nothing like a good, deep trickle-charge to keep a battery alive.

Ok i have one that came with the bike, this battery is beat to ****.. I have the understanding that Buells have always had Charge issues, I had an 1125cr 2008 for 3 months and i only rode it twice due to a horrible stator/Volr reg System.. i Stalled in the middle of a 4 way intersection and almost died i **** u not.. it was at harley for 2 months and they said the bike was a lemon.. Way to take pride in thier product haha..
REST in Pieces lol

I need to get a new Batt, and if im gonne get that ill get a new Regulator if there easy to replace..
those 3 cut wires may be related to a license plate light delete.. I dont see your license plate mount..

Theres a custon mount under the tail, sits flush with an LED light.. it could be for that, next time i power up ill check for current and see..
I would also clean up those grommets on either side of the mass airflow sensor in the lower airbox plate.. that was a ratty job.. seal them off with something better .. dont use silicone sealant (may damage the mass airflow sensor) I would use some proper grommets or maybe something held in with RTV (room temperature vulcanizing rubber)

Where is this? in the base plate of the Filter Box?
yeah hes got a yellow thing and a black thing plugging those holes.. clean that up with somthing better when you get the time.

yeah I bet those 3 wires used to run the light that sat above the plate at one time..without that light you could get some hassle from the cops at night.

did your charger come this the quick-connect feature? you dont want to **** with those alligator clip-ends.. they force you to take the seat off for charging.. you want the quick connect monted on those battery terminals and the leads routed down through that square hole in the bottom of the tail so they end up behind your right ankle gaurd.. you just unplug the cover on the end of the wire and you can plug the wire coming off the charger right into that quick connect.. no muss no fuss.. youll be able to just plug the bike into the charger..
did your charger come this the quick-connect feature? you dont want to **** with those alligator clip-ends.. they force you to take the seat off for charging.. you want the quick connect monted on those battery terminals and the leads routed down through that square hole in the bottom of the tail so they end up behind your right ankle gaurd.. you just unplug the cover on the end of the wire and you can plug the wire coming off the charger right into that quick connect.. no muss no fuss.. youll be able to just plug the bike into the charger..

Yes it came with the bike, i do have a tender aswell..

As for the Gromets? just so im clear Should i do some sort of plastic weld or something? your saying "Remove the gromets completely and plug them up some other way? if so ill write it down in the TODO list [up]
I wouldnt bother with anything expensive or complicated..I just used some rubber hose, 3/4" I think.. probably the same as the hose used in your by-pass mod.. just two short pieces of that hose stuffed down in there and then something stuffed down into that hose to plug it. maybe a few erasures or something.. maybe seal them in with some RTV.. then just stuff them into that bottom airbox plate.. if they are tight , its all good.. if they are loose seal them in plase with a thin coat of RTV to keep them from vibeing thier way out during riding.

steal some of that by-pass hose you got there.. when you re-route that breather to a better location.. behind the hell gaurd, you wont even need any fasteners, maybe just one small zip-tie like I use..the water will not drip on the motor that way.. and I have had no problem at all with the water dripping on the back tire.. its not enought to make any traction differences.. its only a drop or so every 15 min. of running
you also want to start a new thread with a pic of the front of that cannister.. ask why a hole was put into it. Ive never heard of that mod myself. I always was under the impression from what I have read, that the race cannister was pretty much a perfect match for the race ecm.. I have no idea what that hole is doing there. I would want to find out and if it should be plugged I would plug and repait that area before running it.. save yourself some effort. JB weld a cover for that right on the nose of that canniser..
That sounds just as bad as the fillers he already has...

Buy 2 bolts, 2 nuts, and 4 rubber washers. 1 rubber on the top part of the plate and 1 on the bottom of each hole and a bolt going through them with the nut on the bottom side, tighten and you are done.

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