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My still stcok '08 City X Rockin' and rolling around Brazil ;)



Can anyone help with a Rizoma or DIY fender eliminator? I've tried americasports bikes, buellparts.net, but they don't ship to Brazil =/
Thank you!!
09XB12Ss...great looking bike. Really like the black headers and air scoops. Some barend mirrors on there would like great.
Because they call the shots and that is what they say you have to have.[confused] Not only do you have to have them, but they have to be CE approved. You can't just get any fancy ones you like from some mail-order catalog.
Bar end mirros illegal in Spain? Isn´t that what the CE norm stands for? On what rule do they forbid these?

Thanks for the info, as I live in Spain and plan (still!) to get a bike this summer.
I think it is about time I added mine bike on. It is still a working progress...I cutted off and painted the tail yesterday, so that needs to go on next.
Still need to change the chin fairing to white and put the front nuber plate on
It's always a work in process:D
Chase12s: I bought the stand from Canadian Tire here in Canada, no brand name 100$ for both front and rear. I needed to get the spool/sliders from www.darkhorsemoto.com for it to work.
i'm trying to get a racey look. going to put some racing #'s on the tail and number plate. i really like the two tonish look.