newbie . what oil would you recommend ?

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H-D 20-50 oil, and factory stock Buell oil filter. If its good enough for Eric Buell to use on his creation, than its good enough for me!
no matter what you will ALWAYS get a ton of different Recommendations,

my thoughts, my OPINION, on oil and filters,(& fuel) has always been this use the recomended TYPE (NOT particularly the brand)or better, of oil for the vehicle(whatever it maybe), thats from my training as a aircraft mechanic, & experince with my vehicles & vehicles I have worked on, but I am no expert on motorcycles mechanics nor do i claim to be.( and there are alot of people that have no clue of the differences of oils formulations and the needs for it) AND THE BUELL IS A DIFFERENT ANIMAL ALL TOGETHER !!
but I would rather not take a chance on screwing up my buell, i have seen and heard of some people using auto syn oils , some go ok but most I've heard from ruin the WET CLUTCH at least from it, but, if your doing good with it great RP & mobile1 seems to a good oil brands,

BUT Remember this...
yes OIL is cheap and easy compared to an engine rebuild .or trans rebuild.. your oil and filter is the cheapest insurance for your engine , no matter what you drive or ride , use the best(that you can afford) and change it regularly . its worth it. gotta take care of the buell. and other vehicles for that matter. I would rather pay the extra $5-$10 more per bottle for the best oil for ALL my vehicles including the buell, why take a chance on it just cause you're savin a little $$ but thats my opinion. (the cost isn't going to add to big amount even if you're change 3-4 times per year.)

USE the best that you can afford , same goes for the filter (oil & air)...

it's always better safe than sorry

yes TRUE all auto oils dont have friction modifiers it in them but most dont say it on the bottle ^ ..


to add to this also , ( Ihave said this before, & again my opinion)
not ranting at or about you or anyone else here, but
because IF you think of it as only transportation, from point A to B. that it maybe for some of you until it breaks down because you didnt take care of the basics and your left walking or riding the bus or hitching a rides thats when it sucks and wish you still had something more than just transportation , without it you may lose more than the vehicle. and for some there is no bus & walking is to work means hours of walking and no ones wants to taxi you around everyday, just saying.
I hope the fellow Buellers are more aware of the motor oils & Trannys importance. Don't make mistakes, I have seen some messed up engines in the last 30years, now an air cooled unit can eat up oil just from heat. Syn. is best so AMSoil or Screaming Eagle or a rated oil that can take the traffic demands Napa makes good oil filters an extra dollar here an there can keep you ridin Native is pretty much on target. Also MY motorcycle is more than TRANSPORTATION its a freedom thing.Can't see a sweet gal better than on a bike. Just an Marines observation.
I use Royal Purple 20w50 in the crank case and HD Syn3
for the trans. K & N air filters and NAPA oil filters on all our bikes.

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