Occasional issues shifting into 2nd??

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2009
Looked through to see if anyone else was having issues, but didnt see any other posts..

Anyone ever expierience an issue when going hard on the throttle, shifting into second.. It pops back into neutral? Soooo annoying.. If anyones got any suggestions, or had this issue and fixed it.. PLZ help..! :)
I've had this issue on my xb12scg! And then you rev it super hard. I just assumed I wasn't kicking it up hard enough or something.
Same issue here (xb12r). Especially if i rap out first gear. Adjusting my clutch and shifting harder has seem to solve my problem.
Same here, Really makes me laugh though at how stupid I look, or how people must think I am trying to show off. 0-40, then loud revving... awesome dude.
i have the same problem on my 99s3, is it something with the trans? im gonna replace my clutch and springs soon maybe that will help? the cable is only a yr or so old.
Just picked up my 04 xb12s and didn't notice how often this happens until the next day. Did anyone else have success after adjusting the clutch and primary? Hoping to not have a huge problem on my hands right after buying this bike.
Check the most basic things first. Start by looking at your foot position, adjust the positioning of your foot so that you are able to apply the optimal amount of pressure in order to up-shift.
This is my first buell nad I'm a newbie in general. I couldn't find any how-to's on lever cable or primary adjustments. Anybody have a link to one?
Funny this is being talked about,I took my bike for a ride yesterday and when I started home I shifted from 2nd to 3rd after takeoff then it went back into 2nd,did not do it anymore,but I plan to check clutch adjustments all around.

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