Official delta_one Memorial T-Shirt

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The family has sent me their address, I am shipping them to them. I plan to finish these tonight and ship them all tomorrow. They are being sent priority mail, so US address should take about 2 days. Everyone will be emailed by USPS with the tracking number
I got an E mail saying the tracking number was generated on april 1 and due for shipout, but the post office says I need to contact the sender! What's the deal ???[confused]
I'm sure all is well guys n gals Kyle undertook a tough task designing ordering packing and shipping alot of shirts I'm sure there will be some hiccups some bigger then others give the guy a chance before ya go balls out on him =P
I'm sure all is well guys n gals Kyle undertook a tough task designing ordering packing and shipping alot of shirts I'm sure there will be some hiccups some bigger then others give the guy a chance before ya go balls out on him =P
Not going "Balls Out" strmvt ! Just curious about the shipment ! We've had issues with our postal service lately and was trying to find out the status of the item.
it's all good Wall I myself have yet to get an email so... but not stressing it they will come it's to chilly yet here to even wear a t-shirt lol
Walls, I think I'll take some rep points away from you for that. Haha! Just kidding man. I was wondering the same thing.
Have yet to gt shipping info sent to m emaiil either. Think he might be getting the labels done up along the way and then ship them out once they are all done [confused]
I was'nt complaining , I GREATLY appreciate what Kyle has done here , he's definately a stand up guy for taking the time to do all of this ! [up]. We've been having issues with our carrier and found out the other day she's being observed by the P.O for non delivery of mail.[down]
ehh, its been three weeks maybe four, whats one more? i can wait, i got enough tshirts... besides as long as i get it relatively soon im cool, i boughtem for the family of delta, not for me, cool shirt! dont get me wrong, but it was more for the cause. thanks for all the hard work kyle! patiently awaiting the delivery.[up]

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