Official delta_one Memorial T-Shirt

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If you haven't gotten an email then most likely it hasn't been shipped. Although it's possible I put in the wrong email address. I'm not using paypal to ship these so I am having to enter them manually as well as the email address. There are a few orders left to ship guys.
Got mine yesterday, wearing it proudly now! Thanks Kyle for putting in all the effort to help the family.
Got mine....Shirt looks great but I am so mad. I was heading up to school with my dirtbike and the shirt and stickers were in a bin with engine ice, and somehow it broke open and ruined the stickers. Does anyone know where I can new ones? I really wanted to put one on my bike I am so pissed about it.[mad] But the shirt looks great :)
50dro also ships a set out with sliders

Mine are all packed up with my sliders and I only have a handful left or else I'd send you more. Flaya is most likely to have more for you.
my shirt was waiting for me when i got home from work today :D

Mine came in yesterday.

Thank You for all the hard work that has gone into making this happen!
And I know shipping one by one is a real pain in the ass, so I really appreciate your hard work!!

I know Aaron would be proud to see these!!
Got mine, thanks to Kyle, and Flaya564 for stickers, they will be used. Look great on both black and white. Aaron would be humbled by the outpouring of love.