Official delta_one Memorial T-Shirt

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Hmm, will I have a paypal payment request sent? I did everything and got a confermation but never payed anywhere and have yet to get anything through paypal?
Odd, I've gone though and havn't had a single problem. Once you hit "Confirm Order" on the site it redirects to paypal for you to login there to complete the order.
Oh when I got the confirmation it had the log in but it wouldn't allow me to log on again.
mowgoli is handling the paypal, when you purchase the shirts on the mods site, it sends the order to me and it directs you to paypal for the payment right afterwards. This way I have the full info for each order and all the info I need and he is handling the payments.
I wasnt directed to paypal either. And when I follow your link above it gives me an error message saying I dont have access to this module, even though I am logged in.
Screw it! Haha, do it through the site, select money order as the payment and make sure you include your paypal address, we will send you a request for the money.
I can't even get past the checkout, maybe I am doing something wrong, or maybe it is because I am using my iPhone.
you need to figure this out i can't change my address it say's "Error: You do not have permission to access the requested module."

and never goes to paypal either.
I want to get this posted on wmriders but this is way to buggy
Just got back from talking to the printing company, I am fixing the ordering problem now. I will post up the new link when done. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, order now, we will send a request for payment through paypal when we print. I'm having to pay for the shirts myself until everyone pays for them okay, I want to make sure we have enough but I also don't want to spend $600 for shirts and be stuck with half.
tried to order three one each xl, and one xtra small for my g.f. it said the store is currently down, send me a paypal email n ill send you the paper... thanks
Okay this should work now, try it out. This will automatically accept the paypal payment, if you need to pay some other way just send me an email or pm


Just so everyone knows, it costs me $5 to ship in the us but $15 to ship international. US shirts are $20 International are $26

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