BikerGirl, your Bike itself is doing whatever the ECM is preprogramed to do. That said you need to call Erik Buell Racing .com / Let them know what is going on with that ECM when at a Stopping point Traffic light or other. They will reflash the program and you should be good to go.
The D&D Exhaust is hard to Tune so sometimes you might need to send it back for some tweeking to get it to run IDLE correctly.. Since you are going to move might want to e-mail OR Call them like yesterday as so to speak. Also you need to reset the Throttle Position Sensor Regularly on the 08+ Buells.
I do my Street bike 08/xb12r- Every Fill up of Fuell. Takes me a Wopping 22/seconds give or take. That way my Engine is warmed up and it works very well.Buell has a code that will lock out anybody that tries to recalibrate the ECM or they whoever is trying to work on it will Brick your ECM making it unuseable and Voids the[ Warranty] that Erik Buell gives on their products. Give Erik Buell Racing a Call and let their Techs Fix it for you. Good Luck. *Jimi