A little over 7 years ago I bought a Buell that would introduce me to life long friends! People that I have met in person, and some we are just Internet pinpals lol.
Although the forum isn't as popular as what it used to be because of facebook, I cannot stop visiting the site multiple times a day mainly lurking.
Day of picking her up
Rolling Shot
Not a rolling shot
A bunch of shots
Post accident with the lift kit removed
In celebration of being alive and still being able to ride I took Eleanor out for a ride.
A couple days out of the year have a special meaning, all of them are on the 21st. Today marks 10 years of ownership of my Buell, which has changed my life in many ways. I have met friends that I will have forever, met people that I have only talked with on the internets or through text (my wife thinks its fcuking weird)
I almost killed myself on this thing on the 21st of August in 2010, but ended up saving my life at the same time.
I lost my dad on this day in 2013, so I went out for a ride to celebrate being able to ride this POS and in memory of my dad. #remember
So many great memories made on this thing with people I met on the internet. #motorcyletinder
I never knew about all this, although I've seen you posting here, IG and elsewhere.
Made me go back and think about when I got my Buell
I bought an XB9SX in 2004 and bought my current Buell XB12s in 2006
Can't believe it's been that long.