ok i need more help engine stuff

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
ok engines all in got my belt but she wont stay runing. im trying to adjust the idle right now. but that dosent seem to be working. and just a thought i have an 04 race ecm the engines an 06 will that affect something?
They didn't go to the thunderstorm motor till '08

Did you do a tps reset? It sounds like that could be the problem.
i dont think i did a tps reset? unless i did it by accident.. but my batter is also dead. so thats on the trickle charger right now. that may also have been the problem

if thats not it could it be grounds?
how bout the 02 sensor
any one have the link to the old version of ecm spy? the free one? ill have to get a cable to.
ok guys charged the battery. and now im popping fuses its a 15 fuse i put a 20 in it and it still blew.
i cant find a fuse diagram to figure out what this fuse goes to. but its the 15 fuse all the way at the bottom on the left. any one have any ideas... it was fine yesterday with the almost dead battery.
ok so quick update. i fixed the fuse problem but couldn't figure out what els was wrong. so i brought it to my local buell dealer... and they just called. apparently i burnt up my race ecm...so there saying i should get a new one from ebr. but is there any one that has an ecm that i could buy for less then the 300ish$ that there going to charge me?
If I were you I would buy a cheap used ecm (try buellster) and then since you will have ecmspy anyway (to do the tps reset) then just flash the race map onto it. As far as I know it's the same map as the race ecm. You could find the race map online I'm sure, or someone would probably be willing to give it to you (you could ask me :))
i forgot all about buellster. 124$ thats the way im going. and ill probily pm you when i get around to doing the remap.

Looks like I have it for both years. I have pretty much every stock and race map for almost all the years and models.