ok i need more help engine stuff

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sweet. i think ill prob run it stock for a while.. just because i only had it with the race ecm. might as well see what this can do stock. and im not racing... and im trying to stay out of trouble with it so slower the better hahaha.
ok so i just got my ecm i put it all in and now she lives. shes idling now. but she seems to backfire a bunch if i rev it up a little bit in neutral. is it because i have the jardine pipe on there? with the stock ecm? or could there be another reason?
cant remember how to edit my other post so

or do i just need to ride it around a bit and let the ecm learn whats going on and stuff.
Just a Jardine, or do you nhave a free flowing intake filter too, the combination will need some tuning, but one or the other it will learn what's going on
it has the jardine and a k&n its kinda weird right now theres no in the middle of 1000-2000rpm i cant get it to 1500 it jumps right to 2000rpm. what could be the cause of that? i thought it was just going to be a tps reset. but so far ive done 2 of them and it hasn't rely gotten better. its about 50 out if it makes a difference

i might have just figured it out. the nut that holds the butterfly valve might be lose. i no i loosened it to attach the throttle cables because that made it a little easier. but its dark out no so ill try that tomorrow.
ok i went and tightened that nut. it was a little loose.. not to bad. but heres what its doing. i took some videos with my phone. my battery was dieing when i took this video today. i left the key on a bit to long. but it starts idles fine then slowly dies. i had to use a flash light so my phone would pick up the tach needle
video 1

and this is just something i was wondering about. this was last night the tps was like fluctuating not sure what it is just wanted to no what causes that. i got it to stop just adjusted it
video 2

and one last thing real quick. there was a big red 5 in the box labeled CPS signal. what does that mean? is it bad?

sorry to keep askin so many questions im trying to get the bike running good before i have to put her away for winter.
got her to idle and run. haven't gotten to test ride it yet. because its dark and your not suppose to ride on a permit in the dark in mass. all i did was remap the ecm with the race tune. big thanks to snrusnake for getting me the race tune.
im hoping it will i just gotta take it on a ride so the computer can relearn. i think thats the only thing left making the idle choppy.
yeah mine stumbled a few times for like the first 5 miles then got substantially better for the next 20 minutes.
Ok cool making me a bit more confident in it. Im pumped to get it out of the shead to