looking for a girl in burlington. or waterford wis named kristin willick or weise 53 yrs old long straight blond hair natural beauty,we parted ways 30 years ago .AND THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION IS NO I NEVER TOUCHED HER,TO HI-CLASS
you guys are getting like the little boys on BWB Iknow there is a ton of guys on buells around apline valley its a small area everybody knows everybody..
just asking..wanted to see old friends that's all.
a lot of us here have a twisted sense of humor its in good fun though.try mylife.com i have found people from 20 years ago through them.good luck to you.didnt mean to be an ass but sometims it just comes out.
Believe me .. BWB doesn't compare to this forum! Pple just like to pick on others .. that's how it is. All in good fun tho. Good luck on your search! Like xb12sLt said .. try facebook