On top of a stolen bike...

Buellxb Forum

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Hang in there man! Things can only get better for you. If i lived around you i'd buy you a McRIb and a beer.:D
you need to get laid. go hogging if the pickens are slim in your area. sometimes a guy needs to just get out and **** something; even if she isnt a prize. if nothing else, the remorse of nailing a fatty will get your mind off of other things eating at ya. it works everytime, guareenteed, or your money back.
does your ex girlfriend have a sister, cousin, or friend that you always wanted to nail? there is no time like the present. good luck, chief.
DUDE , if my wife gets under my skin anymore i"ll let you take my wife and you can have one of my Buells for your troubles![mad]
20 yrs of no communication, acting brain dead, deer in the headlights look everytime i try to have a serious talk with her, she thinks doing "The Deed " 2 times a month is excessive , she acts jeolous when i talk to the ****** next door ( NO ! THEY ARE UGLY)
She gets pissed when she falls asleep on the couch and I don't tell her i'm going to bed ( HELL SHE'S 37 ) [mad][mad][mad][mad]. Can't wait till the kids turn 18 , only 12 years to go ![up]
right on, wall. these youngsters dont know how fortunate they are that the p.i.t.a. just leaves and they are free and clear. rolling through a divorce will really make you miss the days where her and her ******** is just gone and you are done paying for it right then and there.
i know ya are bummed, loki, but you need only take a look around to see people that have alot bigger problems. the fact is, this little rough patch will be something you will be begging for in about 10 years when a real problem surfaces.
dont take this as me slamming on ya, because i aint. just illustrating that you aint seen **** yet. when me and a girl part ways now, i just thank the good Lord that there is no divorce or children involved. in fact, even when i really liked a girl, i dont really care when we part ways.
Ya i know everything will get better. And ive been through rougher times. But its still annoying.

Got back into college tho.
i couldnt even imagine 2 times a month its been 3 times a week since 1990 marriage is a wonderful thing :D

buell over *******

F that "Bitch on Buell". Dont choose just get both, or in my case two so she has one to play with while I am not playing with her:D

stop crying, move on and stop bitching about your sorry lives. I thought this was a motorcycle forum catering for people that wanted to talk about about buells, sorry to be cold but how old are you guys?
Badxb---- you must have us confused with BADWEB where you can't have an opinion on subjects without being edited! That's what makes this site great , is the FREEDOM to voice our opinion/thoughts on whatever we want . If you don't like it, go back to BADWEB and tell Froggy to kiss my ass , oh wait , you can't do that there !:p
you must have us confused with BADWEB where you can't have an opinion on subjects without being edited!

(I hope you like the .Gif, I stole it from badweb just for you :D)
Lol yes badx, just because some people are having a hard time and is just talking about it with others, doesnt mean they are crying or being a bitch. You dont hear me asking for help or others opinions on stuff or asking someone to feel sorry for me. Looks to me like you should get over yourself.
yea I guess some people still live in stereotypical mandom

where no guy can talk to another guy if he isn't scratching his ass at the same time or talking about tires.

we are Buellers, so we are there for each other regardless the topic.
its just what we do.

besides women ARE crazy :p

sorry to be cold but how old are you guys?
old enough to know that supporting each other and standing together is stronger than standing alone.
but maybe that's just basic training coming back to me.

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