On top of a stolen bike...

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are you married or have you ever been in a long term relationship? i hope you are just kidding. i love my motorcycle but i would give it up in a heartbeat to have my gf back. not that it had anything to do with it but im just saying.
Have been married, 11 years. Was with her for 18 years, Not any more. The woman will go before the bikes and planes go and thats a hard fact.

my hotrods,bikes and boats have come and gone but my woman has been here for 20 years.she gets better every year and is twice as fun as my buell to ride.
I believe that relations define them how you deal with bad times and conflicts. When all is good and fine its easy to stick together. Man&woman see things differently and most of the girls don't understand that we need time on our own, riding or repairing the bike/car or what ever... it’s in our nature to do such things to get over stress.
So and this was the preach for this Sunday and get back to what you do best, fu#%%# it up and then repair it…

your nugget is short enough and true enough to have tattooed somewhere.... [up]
The nugget of the year
Loki you have all my sympathy bro! I'd buy you a beer if you were close to the West coast. Me and the gf are breaking up and thats hard enough on me. I couldn't imagine losing my bike too!
Hey man, my girl broke up with me after 3 yrs on New Years at midnight 2010, I almost lost my job because of something I didn't do, I was hit by a car on the Buell, and my house burned. I have now moved and am starting over, and everything has been so much better. I believe things happen for a reason and if it took all of this for me to get this huge promotion I got and to be where I am now then that's great, although I wouldn't want to go through all of it again.
its the difficult times in life that test who you are and also teach you the most aboot yourself bro
keep your head up, know that this too shall pass and then life throws the next series of challenges at you..

life, its the hardest job you'll ever have
damn your life sounds like mine

grandma died

VA decided to screw me out of 2,300 so I cant pay bills this month and maybe next month too

midterms sucked

get the flu 103 temp sick for 3 days

very good friend died on his motorcycle

tomorrow I get to make up 6 EMT practicals that I missed for flu and funeral and only get 1 shot (half the class failed them) and get to make up my A&P test on the heart and circulatory system

but I have high hopes for the future :D[up]
Can't write a country song yet....you still have to wait for the barn to burn down and the dog to run away. Then you are good to go.[up]
My daddy always told me before he left this ****** world " Women are like busses, another one comes along every ten minutes":D[up] When my last gf broke up with me I just said ok. That really pissed her off that I didn't get all broken up over it. She said "you don't even care", so I said "No, I'm just not going to argue with you about it. If you made this decision that is your decision and if I argue with you It's not going to change your mind, It's just going to waste my time. HAHAAHA she still calls me all the time and says that she made a mistake and that I was the best thing that ever happened to her.
That's how you spell satisfaction.:D
When my last gf broke up with me I just said ok. That really pissed her off that I didn't get all broken up over it. She said "you don't even care", so I said "No, I'm just not going to argue with you about it. If you made this decision that is your decision and if I argue with you It's not going to change your mind, It's just going to waste my time. HAHAAHA she still calls me all the time and says that she made a mistake and that I was the best thing that ever happened to her.
That's how you spell satisfaction.

Dude great advice! My girl doesn't treat me right so im gathering the balls to end things and stick with it. I wish i had the strong will that you do Batman6669 [up]

Funny how i get on the forum to get my mind off the stress and i stumble along great advice on the motorcycle forum haha
When my last gf broke up with me I just said ok. That really pissed her off that I didn't get all broken up over it. She said "you don't even care", so I said "No, I'm just not going to argue with you about it. If you made this decision that is your decision and if I argue with you It's not going to change your mind, It's just going to waste my time. HAHAAHA she still calls me all the time and says that she made a mistake and that I was the best thing that ever happened to her.
That's how you spell satisfaction.

yeah, it isnt really worth getting choked up over. a wife i can understand it throwing ya off, especially if you have kids. but a g.f.? go out and get you some strange. there is nothing that will make you forget a old girlfriend faster than a new girl swinging from your dick.
Yea man all of you have my best wishes. Just don't worry about the little things and life gets better
Kona- Yes I am and have been happily married for 10 years now with no regrets. On the other hand if she were to leave it would take me about 30 seconds to become happily single.