ONELOGUE (Round 2)

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dammit man! glad you're ok one!! that's extremely frustrating. i picture that family in their effing minivan, singing a song together like in step brothers. the lady was probably looking in her rearview mirror screaming at the kid becuase it wasn't in harmony or some **** right at impact!

you're lucky to get up relatively unhurt!! [up]

good luck with the build! i'll be following for sure!
Hate to see a wounded Buell but glad you're around to rebuild it! We'll be patiently watching the build! Best of luck![up]

glad your healing up RJ and were not too seriously injured[up]

looking forward to seeing your dream Buell build come to fruition.
Saw your pics in the member pics section last week but didn't see a post, didn't know what the hell was going on! Glad your OK! Did you see her coming or was it a suprise attack?
Glad you're still with us Onelogue [up]

Good luck on the build. And take the advice above about the concussion bit. I've had two major concussions and didn't go to the doctors' for either one. Now it doesn't take much of a hit to give me a bad headache for a few days.
Screw the bike, glad you're OK. Hope you heal up fast. On a lighter note, pipe looks like it made it OK, underslung exhaust FTW.
Well insurance is writing me an initial check of $3,389 towards fixing my bike. They have all my aftermarket parts going through review so that they can compensate me for those too.

Glad they are giving you at least some decent money for your bike. How's the recovery going?
Hey Kevin, me too! Recovery is much better but still feeling the back pain with random movements. Praying this doesnt turn into a long term thing.

Just want to emphasize that for right now Im not telling my plans for the build. I want to keep it a surprise for you guys

Just want to emphasize that for right now Im not telling my plans for the build. I want to keep it a surprise for you guys

C'mon One! Hint!!!! Maybe a Buell chopper?

Or you going nuts with it?

Glad you are okay! I hate to see a Buell down, but I can stand it. However, a Bueller down is something I don't ever want to see. Speedy recovery, brother.
Well I was craving to ride my bike and see if it was still ridable :D Just kept it in 2nd and went to the end of my neighborhood and back.....
