Orlando Buell Meet

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Oh man, you guys rode my old route to school! I took some classes out at LSCC in Leesburg. That was much nicer than taking 19 up. I'd do that again too if you guys are up for it. Hell, I'd go all the way into Mt. Dora for some Sushi at the Mt. Dora Sushi Co. ;)

I've ridden the 561/33/565 loop a bunch too, but there's not much out there and it's more straights than I would like. But there's typically not much traffic and there are some decent twisties here and there.

The Old HWY 50 route between Clermont and downtown Wintergarden is really nice, but it's short. Maybe we could incorporate that into part of a longer ride though. 561 headed north from my place is pretty nice. Could take that across 50, around lake Minneola and pick up Old 50 from there. Maybe I'll scout around some this afternoon. I didn't get my fix in on Sunday, and last night was just the ride home from work. I could use some alone time with me and the girl ;)
That 565 turns into logging rd/center grade road and looks like it's got some twists to it (on google maps). I always end up turning onto lake erie road and heading back east though...
Oh yeah, I'm gonna check that out. It's a 45 min ride one way from my front door to where center grade hits 471. But, looking at the satellite image, it looks like it could be dirt. With a name like "Center Grade"... Well, I'll take a look and let you know.
Yep, it's dirt all right. The pavement actually stops right where The Van Fleet Trail crosses 565, before you even reach logging road. I didn't see it comming; was barely able to stop before the pavement ran out on me :p. Lake eerie was way too bumpy for a nice ride. I could hardly see straight on a couple stretches. Bummer, cause there's a lot of nice twisties and its pretty quiet out there.
liquid that would be sweet to add to the ride . It's a nice ride but never enough :D. I found that route online so that's the extent of my knowledge of the area . snrusnak says he knows there are a lot of nice roads out that way but he doesn't know the area well enough . Keep us posted on your findings . I'm always game to ride .
It's a motorcycle correct ? As long as it can turn and not drag I don't discriminate .( Cruisers Suck ! )

Just sayin........
Lol. yeah its actually pretty bad ass and smokes my bolt. Not to mention hes like an ameutur pro rider.
Keep me posted! I have a few months til activation, and I want to ride with some Buellers! I had an 06 sv650, so I love SV's too!
Well I might ride saturday if it doesn't rain, but I'm going to probably just spend the day with my dad.

I know FlaX is going to ride the dragon, actually I think he's leaving in the morning.

Maybe the weekend after this we can do ozello. Or the weekend after that.
Change of plans.......

Leaving tonight :D Checked the forecast for up there and its a good chance of rain saturday so going tonight so I can ride tomorrow . So if it rains saturday I'll already have made up for it . [up]

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