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um....I need like 2 weeks....


Seriously though....it is done but it isn't. I just finished everything. It won't crank now. :( I hooked it up to the charger hopefully it's just a dead battery. When I started it last weekend it was really weak, but fired. When I went to do it today I turned the key to on then flipped the kill switch to run and the fuel pump started to prime then stopped then I heard some clicking noises and now it does nothing. Lights and gauges work... The only thing I've changed electronically since last weekend when it ran was I hooked up the turn signals. I don't think that could cause any harm lol.
No it doesn't do anything now when hitting the ignition button. It died while the fuel pump was priming.

And just so you don't say I'm slacking:




I don't think my trickle charger will charge the battery from dead, will it? I guess I gotta take it to autozone to get it charged?
You really have a trickle charger and haven't had your battery hooked to it while doing your 10+ months of repairs ?[confused]
I can check the battery with a voltmeter right? To see if it's dead? I just set the voltmeter to the symbol that is a V followed by a solid line with a dashed line under it. Then connect to the battery and it should read like 12 volts or higher, and if it's less then that means it's dead....right? I'm electronically retarded...
Well I guess I didn't think about that...

I've heard if you completely discharge a battery it ruins it, is that also correct? If the battery is ruined I'll just go get a new one, but if it's not ruined I'd rather not spend money on a new one.
Yeah so apparently I don't know how to use a voltmeter lol. When I touched it to the battery it gave a huge spark. BUT now the bike runs. WTF is going on? I just rode it up the street it feels so good to be on a bike again.
The same thing happened to mine a few months back. Never had a problem with it after that tho. Hopefully it's the same with yours. Did we set a time to meet yet? Still at Starbucks?
I rode 30 minutes with absolutely no problems, so I'm in for tomorrow :)

As long as Amazze checks in I will be meeting him in winter park at 10:00. Then we will meet you guys at starbucks at 10:30. I probably won't be able to get online the rest of the day, but I'll get on around 9:00 before I leave in the morning.
hey guys just got bike from riding to ft lauderdale. i am still a go for 10am at the race trac. I'll check the board again in the AM.
Up and at em . I'm about to eat and pull the bike out for possibly a quick tps/afv reset . So I'll be READY !
Hell it's Florida you don't need much of an excuse to come back , so hit us up when visiting .