By OIA off hoffner. I think it would just be me, ryan(somecallmerry), the other guy meeting there since he is coming from st cloud. We would then ride to sugarloaf mtn and meet you and curtis(flaxb9r)...
ok..sounds like a winner, I will be there at 930 ish I am really hoping I got my new helmet by then. My old (1996) helmet is way past its prime. and my new plugs are in so I hope to get those installed before sunday as well. looking forward to this fellas.
ok...just to make sure, from sugarloaf, the map you guys have posted, and to the dam diner adjusting route to swing up Emeralda Island Rd, does this look good for you guys?
Ok seems like all the qinks are pretty much worked out. So JB you wanna meet at that 7-11 you mentioned before at 8:30? From there I can lead over to sugarloaf since I know the route. It will be more of the senic route opossed to just taking 46 to 441 etc...
Ok just looked the your map and I take it you know the route I take out to sugarloaf already consdering you have all the roads I take out there in your route.
Been doing it for over 2 years now. I'm used to it. 4 hours a day is normal for me. I'm stoked to see some more buell ppl this weekend. Anybody needs to contact me hit . Cell. 4076171022.