Osama Bin Laden is dead

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Let us not forget, those still in harms way will pay a high price now as they'll be mass suicide bombing I predict. I've been home 7 days from afghanistan so. This won't end tomorrow, next week, or 5 years from now. They'll come back. Let us give thanks to the shooters who took him down.
plus 1 budda!!! & strmvt !! & triple7 !!

I'm glad that I don't have to worry about planes flying into buildings in the future
why would that change any, it could still happen... any well funded & well organized Terrorist group could and probably will do it again!

and as far as the body at sea , Yes it sounds somewhat odd and along with as by now no video or pics of his dead body has surfaced yet , in this superfast info internet day & age that is very odd to say the least, but they are saying his burial at sea was to Keep from and prevent his burial site from becoming a shrine &/or a meeting/gathering & recruitment place for terrorism & terrorist.

but this really does not change much , if nothing at all as there will always be someone else to take his(and others) place in terrorism. :(:(
Well what would you do with the dead body of a holy war leader? Would you give it back to al queda? If he were buried somehwere, it would be sure to become a shrine to his followers regardless.

I'm positive pictures will come out. Just be ready for ***************. War ain't for the feint-hearted.
In the midst of the mainstream media propaganda blitz, questions still abound regarding Osama bin Laden and his alleged death. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans are quite willing to believe virtually anything they are told about bin Laden, even if it contradicts what they were told previously. But, while many are busy dancing in the streets at the news of his “death,” others hopefully have some semblance of a long-term (and even short-term) memory.

Actually, Barack Obama’s announcement that Osama bin Laden is dead should not have come as a surprise to anyone equipped with the faculties of basic memory. After all, it was only (approximately) the ninth time bin Laden has been declared dead by high-ranking government officials in the ten years since the 9/11 attacks. Obama was just adding his name to the list.

It should be noted however, that credible reports have been produced suggesting bin Laden has been dead for some time. Indeed, even as far back as shortly after 9/11.

Of the reports, the most reliable information points to the belief that bin Laden has actually been dead since late 2001, having died of what amounts to natural causes as a result of generally bad health and a history of kidney problems. Bin Laden’s deteriorating health, was evident on his many videos. They revealed, at one time, a very thin and weak bin Laden and others showed a man who apparently could not lift his left arm while still other videos showed him appearing bloated and puffy. All of these various appearance indicated the various health issues that bin Laden suffered from.

Indeed, in July of 2001, bin Laden was reported to have been admitted to an American hospital in Dubai where he was treated for kidney problems. While at the hospital, bin Laden was met by a local CIA agent who later foolishly bragged about his contact with bin Laden. These reports came from various sources including French intelligence agencies.

Shortly before 9/11, bin Laden was reported to have been admitted to a Pakistani military hospital with the full knowledge of the Pakistani ISI. This story was even reported by major mainstream news agencies such as CBS.

Yet these are not the only reports that Osama bin Laden was dead long before Obama claims to have assassinated him.

As James Corbett compiled in an excellent article for The Corbett Report entitled, Osama bin Laden Pronounced Dead . . . For the Ninth Time, evidence has repeatedly come to light suggesting that bin Laden has long been dead and that his death has been reported on numerous occasions.

Yet, considering the fact that Osama bin Laden has long existed as the ultimate bogeyman and the Emmanuel Goldstein of the real world, one would be well-advised to question any of these reports.

Within hours after the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden, photos were circulated that were reported to be those taken of bin Laden’s body shortly after he was killed. However, these photos were obviously created by photoshop and were easily proven fake. Not only that, but the photos being used had already been circulating on the web for some time, some even before Obama took office.

This is not surprising since the US government (through an organization that has direct links to the Pentagon) has produced fake bin Laden videos and audio recordings in the past. Indeed, this should call all of the reported appearances of bin Laden in to question.

Another giant red flag in this whole situation is that the body of Osama bin Laden has allegedly been buried at sea under the ridiculous justification of trying to respect for Muslim culture which requires that a person be buried within 24 hours of their death. I refer to this as “ridiculous” because the idea that the United States military is in the business of burying every person they kill in accordance with local customs is exactly that -- ridiculous.

The United States has murdered over a 1.5 million people in our current war theatres. Is it now safe to assume that each and every one of them were buried within 24 hours? Or is that an honor only reserved for the man who, according to the government, killed 3,000 people in New York and initiated the need for a war on terrorism? Keep in mind, when Uday and Qusay Hussein were killed, the photos were plastered all over the television screen endlessly. There were no concerns for Muslim culture then. That it should matter now insults the intelligence of a five-year old.

We will protect your privacy...guaranteed!

Indeed, as I read the “buried at sea” story I could not help but be reminded of the removal of debris from the World Trade Center. If the story were true, then it seems the US government would take every opportunity to confirm the identity of the most wanted man in America. Considering the recent debate over the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate, would it not be wise to thoroughly cite and prove any information being released?

Still, considering Osama bin Laden’s usefulness as a ready-made excuse for all things military and police state, one must wonder what agenda is behind the claim of his death. Has bin Laden run his course as the bogeyman? Are we in need of a new false flag attack with a new enemy that will frighten us into giving the small remnant of our liberties away in hopes for security? Will bin Laden’s death be used as an excuse to stage a series of false flag attacks (or one big one) blamed on bin Laden’s supporters under the cover of revenge?

Indeed, the fear of revenge and reprisal are already being circulated in the mainstream media, priming the minds of the public to expect another attack.

In the end, fear is the ultimate objective. Of this there is no doubt. However, one must also wonder if the character of Osama bin Laden has simply outlived its usefulness. Considering the dwindling attention span of the general population, it is not hard to imagine that it has.
As a future Marine Officer I still have faith in America as a country. You can critique this war on terror all you want, and propose all sorts of theories on how corrupt things are. In the end we as Americans generally appreciate a much higher quality of living than most of the world thanks to the brave men and women fighting overseas.

I am damn proud to be an American. Semper Fidelis.
Lady at work asked me today how I felt about the reports of Bin Laden being dead, I just sort of shrugged my shoulders and said he was just a guy who had a different look on life than us.

Even though I have been in war I am not one to say killing is the right thing although I do feel it is necessary in self defense. I have looked into the eyes of those who have perished whether friend or foe and I was always able to see the aspect of the man wanting what he thought was better for his purpose.

I know I have been down a barrel and luckily never felt the blow from a bullet, even then I realize the man aiming to end my life has his beliefs how ever different they were from my own. I always respected the deceased as I would hope they would if I had been where they had lay. There are many people who are in many ways worse than Bin Laden, and it all falls back to what each ones individual beliefs are to whether that is the truth or not.

As far as Bin Laden if he is dead he is dead, the war will move onwards as he is in no way the only reason we are at war with Terrorism, he may have made a final call but he was never the one who actually pulled a trigger, took down a plane or pushed a button to kill whom ever was around. I do greatly hope it is a step to ending what our countries are in but again it all falls to how people view it and whether it is an intimidation, encouragement, or calm.
one must wonder what agenda is behind the claim of his death. Has bin Laden run his course as the bogeyman? Are we in need of a new false flag attack with a new enemy that will frighten us
yes....and more then likely

which will be quick then

anyway to blow smoke and mirrors, to keep the public's mind off the high gas prices, economy, housing market, health care, job market, war, national disaster, nuclear plant melt downs, ect, ect, ect
i need to put in my two cents...
his body is dropped in sea... why????
i wanna see the body befor i belive it!

U think they were going to put it on tour around the US or sometin?

no but i think the families from 9/11 the victoms
would like to see the hole in his head.

it's all b.s
in 1934 the fbi and local law enforcement had no problem parading dead bodys around and having the car that they where killed in still on display to this day at terrible casino

Ok time to add some more intersting tidbits. First of all Go Seals!God Bless Team America! Now for some fun. Timing is suspect. Obamas numbers were in the toilet, speculation has it that intel put Osama in Pakistan at the compound in August of last year. Obama releases his long form certificate, the Obamas were snubbed by the Royals and then just two days later Osama is located and dusted. Obama does not do things without measuring its political impact on him personally. This business lifted his numbers, bitch slapped the happy brits for not inviting the O's and buried his birth certificate story. He is a political animal and everything is measured against its possible political value. He sucks as president but he is also not stupid. Show me the photos and video before I buy into all of this.

He is a political animal and everything is measured against its possible political value. He sucks as president but he is also not stupid. Show me the photos and video before I buy into all of this.

May 1,1945.............Adolph Hitler is pronounced dead to the world.
May 1, 2003............George Bush announces "Mission Accomplished "
May 1, 2011............ Obama announces the death of Osama / Usama Bin Ladin.

Timing is a little suspect , and the quick burial at sea also. Since when does a killer / terroists killers religion matter ? IT'S GREAT THAT HE'S GONE , but just to many things look a little suspicious . IMHO
I'm glad that I don't have to worry about planes flying into buildings in the future.

XL . . . didn't a plane crash into an IRS building last summer in Austin? lol

Godspeed to all deployed soldiers, be ready for the festivities to kick off at any moment. I know I am.
I think most would agree that the world is a little better off with Bin Laden dead. The self proclaimed mastermind behind the worst terrosit act on American soil.

And if anything, it will serve as a warning to any other future leader of a terrosit organization such as al queda. It may take 10 years, but you will be hunted down like a rat, eventually found and justice exacted. 'Nuff said!
Because they buried him at sea, he cannot become a martyr to his followers. It is an insult to his religion that his body is not buried to carry on to the afterlife. It's like slapping his followers in the face by burying him at sea. Much more insulting than carrying his head around on a stick (from a religious point of view). I think Seal team 6, CIA, and FBI did a fine job. Thoughts and prayers to all families and friends of those lost because of, or while looking for this man. May you have a sense of closure.
He'll be martyr to his followers regardless... Now would you want a place followers can visit or leave them nothing?
Buddha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> U>>>>>>

Americans are quite willing to believe virtually anything they are told about bin Laden,

sorry bro, but did you read your short essay? lol <jk
so is your information from the cia, fbi, or your own personal satelite ran organization.
I am not calling you wrong, but that is just as far fetched as anything I have ever read!!!
I tend not to believe much of anything, but I have never heard of Bin L. being dead evAr....?

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