Osama Bin Laden is dead

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this post went from announcing a Breaking News bulletin to an antigovernment manifesto.

Someone, pass the xanax
let me see if i can make myself clear.we screw around in others bussiness then we get pissed when they sucker punch us.then to get one man or one group of people we go to war.that anyone with half a brain knows will last years,cost trillions of dollars and the lives of our young men and women.it will also kill innocent people and help breed a new generation of terrorists.if we really want to stop terrorists we need to change the way our gov acts in the middle east.or make it so costly for them that it is not worth it.we have done nothing over there to stop these people or change our actions.we have done more damage to our selves and our country than they ever could have done.thank god i wasnt in charge because i would have nuked iran and said we were even changed our policy in the middle east and hoped for peace if the if that didnt work turn the middle east into a litter box reap the spoils of war and taken all the oil.peace is always better but if your going to fight dont pussy foot around.
you know you have a good topic on your hands when there are rediculously long rants every few posts. ;)

BTW, not to be off topic but a TPS reset, do you rotate the throttle 3 times total or 4 times because the instructions say do it then repeat 3 times. [confused]
3 times. '08+ TPS Reset Procedure:

- Turn on the key.

- Set the kill switch to the run position.

- Don’t start the engine. Rotate the throttle from fully closed (gently forced closed) to fully open (gently held open), and then back again to closed (gently forced closed).

- Repeat 3 times. Hold each position (fully open, fully closed) for 1 full second.

- Turn the key off and on.
Fact: the US goverment lied to its military and its citizens aboot weapons of mass destruction in Iraq AND thats why the US went into that country and ****** it hard.

Fact: before the US and other countries (mine included) went into Afghanistan, the Taliban was against growing opium, since 2003 over 90% of the worlds opium comes from Afghanistan.(I have friends in the Canadian Military and they even wonder wtf are we doing there)

Fact: every single country the US has ever gone into for whatever reason they leave a military base, there are over 800 military bases worldwide for the US (seems a little like the spread out Roman Empire to me and we know how that ended)

Fact: the US goverment sat on its hands last April when the Oil Spill in the gulf happened, BP ran the show (still does) and calls the shots

Fact : the US goverment screwed all the little people in 2008 with its banker bailout. It was bail out or else there will be martial law henny penny the sky is falling story.

Fact: the US goverment dropped the ball after Katrina, instilling martial law, taking peoples weapons and we saw how well FEMA and the Dept of Homeland Security took care of the people of New Orleans.


This is all common knowledge? I dont see how this applies to the prior discussion, other than a web of lies and misconception.
Although, there is something you are not taking account for, which deny you may is still a fact: Depending on which political party one follows, some of the the BS listed above are the outcomes that people would claim to be the best decision hands down! I know, its crazy but roughly half of everyone is so caught up being a dumycrat or republicrap! Just like this whole thing with OBL and the terror war, people that were die hard fans are now haters. Its just a bunch of bullS that will never end. So what I do is just :) and know that Im smarter than that....
This is all common knowledge?
yet ignorance is bliss for most

Depending on which political party one follows
regardles of whatever political party one follows in whatever country, the truth of the matter is those political parties are doing the bidding of the corporations that actually run this planet, their interests have nothing to do with Joe Public imho.

Its just a bunch of bullS that will never end
sad but true
thanks anrkizm95 [up]:)[up] it's reset now and that fixed the problem!! now I gotta go , my BUELL is calling me for a ride![smirk]
Sorry to jump on the band wagon, but seriously there is a reason you just need to stay out in the middle of no where. Have you personally been to Iraq, Afghan, Saudi, any country that has these south west asian hairless apes (SWAHA) running around? I would like to know your definition of what exactly a weapon of mass destruction is, a nuke? cruise missiles? chemical weapons? Because nukes are the only things Sadam didn't have, thankfully. Another tidbit the taliban use opium to fund thier war efforts. The stuff has been growing there for quite some time. BP needed to clean up their own mess, why should American tax payers suffer? Maybe Canada should have come to the rescue? Or Mexico. You talk about your issues with drugs going into your country? if there wasn't a demand there wouldn't be an industry. Same goes for the US. There is a reason martial law was established in the big easy, plain and simple the citizens were looting and robbing and shooting at the national guard that was trying to perform aid missions (I have friends that were shot at). Government isn't perfect but you could do something about it instead of bitching, come back out of the wilderness and run for office. Only thing that can make this world void of the drama, mutually assured destruction. Just need one to launch and we are good to go. Come on India.
BTW, not to be off topic but a TPS reset, do you rotate the throttle 3 times total or 4 times because the instructions say do it then repeat 3 times.
Posted: 04 May 2011 00:05 Last Edited By: anrkizm95 [?]


3 times. '08+ TPS Reset Procedure:

- Turn on the key.

- Set the kill switch to the run position.

- Don’t start the engine. Rotate the throttle from fully closed (gently forced closed) to fully open (gently held open), and then back again to closed (gently forced closed).

- Repeat 3 times. Hold each position (fully open, fully closed) for 1 full second.

- Turn the key off and on.

hahaha... you know that still adds up to four times. ;)
'08+ TPS Reset Procedure:

- Turn on the key.

- Set the kill switch to the run position.

- Don’t start the engine. Rotate the throttle from fully closed (gently forced closed) to fully open (gently held open), and then back again to closed (gently forced closed).

- Repeat 3 times. Hold each position (fully open, fully closed) for 1 full second.

- Turn the key off and on.
pretty clear to me when i read it 3 times link

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