Packer Fans or Buell Fans???

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Feb 8, 2011
Who's more crazy about their passion? Packer fans or Buell fans? Or who's just effing crazy! I vote Packer fans! :D

12 years ago I ended up helping my boss move and he just happened to be a HUGE packers fan. Well I got stuck carrying his (and this is no ****)Green Bay Packers grandfather clock and a freakin HUGE teddy bear wearing a Packers jersey. While carrying these items in the back of my truck I was repeatedly flipped off and someone thru a coke bottle at my truck! By the way I live in Texas! [smirk]
12 years ago I ended up helping my boss move and he just happened to be a HUGE packers fan. Well I got stuck carrying his (and this is no ****)Green Bay Packers grandfather clock and a freakin HUGE teddy bear wearing a Packers jersey. While carrying these items in the back of my truck I was repeatedly flipped off and someone thru a coke bottle at my truck! By the way I live in Texas

Wow! Maybe he knew what type of response he would get by carrying that crap so he made you do it. You should've let those bounce out of the truck on the way!
Wow! Maybe he knew what type of response he would get by carrying that crap so he made you do it. You should've let those bounce out of the truck on the way!
The bad thing was i'd only worked there a month and he kept emphasizing how important that damn clock was to him. No pressure there! Hind site says i should of left the tailgate down and " accidently " let it all fall out. :D
Being from Wisconsin and a Packer fan thats tough to watch... Please everyone do not assume we are all that water headed. ;)
I had to watch that again lmao. I think she was a little drunk or at least I hope she was.
Being from Wisconsin and a Packer fan thats tough to watch... Please everyone do not assume we are all that water headed.
He's trying to play it cool incase he finds her cause he knows now it was her fault . Her and those damn sparkles . They may need to put her in protective custody now that evryone know the real reason the packers lost . Lmao
We are not all that crazy or stupid. Its just football. But either way, we'll getum next year. That video is pretty hilarious though.