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Good idea for us what is new on the forumm. Also wrote something - using Google translator, if you want to laugh - you can read :)
onelogue said:
Trill, adjust the size of your pics. if they are real big it will take a long time. Mine uploaded in 2 seconds.

I have a few hundred pics on my photobucket and just going onto the site to browse my pics was so slow only a couple would actually load onto the screen to view the thumbnails.

SO i was not trying to upload pics, just view the ones I already have on there.

Working fantastically now!


Must have been uber busy last night or doing some work on the site/servers.
Right no Trill, looks good!

Good idea for us what is new on the forumm. Also wrote something - using Google translator, if you want to laugh - you can read :)
marnej haha good stuff. Google did a good job cause I could understand [up] Welcome to the forum and great color choice on the bike!

The more the better guys. Im sure everyone is enjoying seeing the bikes we all ride and the bio's.
I done did it.

Guys you dont have to link to it we can just click your name in the post and it will take you to the profile.
Hey I thought we were supposed to post pics of ourselves so we could place a face with the user name! :)
Oneloque: Ok, and it goes, eventually everything give thanks to Google's dictionary to understand and I am glad that this forum exists, many useful ideas here. Thanks and let all go well.
Mine is done sans pics. I'm computer challanged.Not having that(add photo) button completely threw me.:D
Not having that(add photo) button completely threw me
OK, here's how to do it. Go to "my pics" find the one you want, click to open it, copy the url underneath it, go back to your profile settings page(best to have two windows open)hit the "image" button, paste the copied url in there, hit add or whatever it says on the bottom of the box.
Thanks Alfatango,
They are there now. They are links as of now,is that right? Does a mod have to change them into the photos or am I still doing something wrong?
I still doing something wrong?
OK, I see the url's on your page but I think you just pasted them the section under your name and bike info. You should just click that box that says "image" the one above the box you type into. It has all the "bold", "italics" etc stuff. Once the image box opens up, paste the pictures url in there then hit "ok". That should do it and it should post right to your page. As it sits I can see your pic but it opens another window.
You are the MAN! I obviously cannot follow instructions very well either. I'm a little slow,but I'll catch up.[confused]