PMS, gotta talk, let it out

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mmm....Reubens! Oh - wait this is a pms thread :(


It's supposed to be 60 for the next two days that I have off and my bike is far far away - for the loser!!![mad]
Of course I'd have to work on a day in Michigan when it's in the low 50's in February. Thought about calling off and going for a ride but my supervisor knows me too well and would call me on it.
Went out and picked up a 100lb heavy bag today to "better direct my cuteness" as per the gf's idea. Actually works pretty damn well, I'm really relaxed and dripping sweat after an hour. Now only if i wasn't working I could go out for a ride and my day would be complete.
I have a confession.... I actually don't hate sauerkraut at all. It's just from a Weird Al song. I was hoping someone would get it.
i'm so ******* annoyed right now, i got stood up for a date tonight so i pass out instead and go to sleep (i have three jobs.). i get woke up by my neighbor's headboard hitting the wall. like a slap in the face. all my friends are busy at a party or with their ladies. and the bars stopped serving 24 minutes ago.

i hate everything right now mostly girls in particular.
i'm so ******* annoyed right now, i got stood up for a date tonight so i pass out instead and go to sleep (i have three jobs.). i get woke up by my neighbor's headboard hitting the wall. like a slap in the face. all my friends are busy at a party or with their ladies. and the bars stopped serving 24 minutes ago.

i hate everything right now mostly girls in particular.
There is always a bright least you woke up.[up]
Ugh.... 8 more weeks, 8 more weeks, 8 more weeks, 8 more weeks.....
At least I hope only 8 more weeks.
yeah i get to say my favorite ultimate cussword! dedicated to stupid drivers....


aahhhh, feel better! great thread!


thank you oh mighty poster of this thread!