Progressive Insurance

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I got in an accident two years ago that progessive helped me out on, if it wasn't for the idiot agent I was working with I would've stayed without looking. But allied hooked me up after the accident with near 200 cheaper than I had before the accident. I'm 24 now riding an 07 xb12r in iowa with full coverage just under 800. Our no helmet rule gets us here.

If your looking at quotes check out allied insurance, even my agent was surprised
I cant believe some of you are paying so much for insurance on your bikes... damn.

Last year i bought a 09 xb12r, brand new from the dealer. Now mind you i was 21 at the time (now 22) and have never had any accidents or tickets (i guess im just lucky LOL) and i got a quote from geico. they quoted me at about $1200 for the year under full coverage.

Also mind you in i live in Jersey where insurance is sky-rocketed.. But next day I made another phone call to a company called KSW powersports insurance agency in my area and requested a quote. Being thaty my bike is still half on a loan i needed full coverage. My quote was $744 for one full year, fully covered and i took it immediately and paid it in one full payment. So that goes to show you that look at some non-larger companies for insurance.

Same thing goes for my truck insurance, i'm 22, truck is fully covered under insurance and i pay $1340 for the full year... through a company called 21st century who is now Farmers insurance.

it pays to keep looking sometimes.. good luck and keep getting quotes
We all need to compare apples to apples. Not many here have said weather they have liability only or full coverage and what deductibles they have. I doubt anyone paying $200 a year has comp and collision, I could be wrong but... Needless to say I pay $119 a year for liability only. Full coverage for me with Progressive was $840 a year.
F'N CRAZY! Most of your insurance payments are my bike payments. 31 yrs old, 08 xb12r. $225/ year with the green lizard.
when shopping for insurance i tried several places, the worse was the insurance co my grandparents have (cant think of name right now) but they wanted a lil over 600 per MONTH to insure this thing (09 xb12ss). i had to have the guy repeat himself. im 24, married, have a house, no points or accidents and 3 insured vehicles. wtf! they said it was because of the displacement it was considered a "super bike". kinda made me smile lol. now i pay 65 bucks a month thru farm bureau (progressive). hope my **** doesnt go up
I live in NH, 50yrs old and have 4 bikes on my Progressive policy and two of them belong to my two sons
All have full coverage w/250 deductable with the exception my my son's CBR1000RR which has $500 deductable.

2010 Harley Ultra Classic: $320/yr
2008 Buell XB12R: $780/yr

my 20 yr old son
2006 Buell XB9S: $182/yr

my 23 yr old son
2005 CBR1000RR (Repsol): $950/yr

im 18 and i went with state farm and my entire family and fathers construction equipment is all insured. plus we know thw owner and mine is 53.06 a month. 250 deductable. so its about 650 a year. sucks
I'll be renewing my insurance in the middle of June. Going to see if Progressive jacked up my rates. They should go down being that I will have completed my MSF class and have my license. I'll deff be shopping around either way.
I am 24 and paying about $90 a month for Full coverage on 2 bikes with Geico; an '08 Buell 1125R and an '05 CBR 600RR I have been with them for almost 8 years and my driving record isnt tarnished at all, so that might be a reason, but some of you guys are getting hosed.
I Just switched from progressive to geico two weeks ago.

2007 Ducati Monster 695 $287
2002 Yamaha R1 $411

2007 Ducati Monster 695 $176.90
2006 Buell XB12R $221.31

These are all liability only. BTW the R1 if for sale. I'll give you three chances to guess why.
i've got both my bikes, truck, house, and wife's car with state farm. have had my vehicles with state farm since i started driving.

i have full coverage on both bikes at $250 deductible for comprehensive and collision. my rate on my 03 XB9R just jumped up $30 this year for no reason. i renewed it a couple weeks ago for $297 for the year. it was $263 in 07, 08, 09. couldn't get a reason for the increase.

my 09XB12Ss i just insured in october last year for $265 for the year. we'll see what they do to my rate on it since it's newer and has a bigger motor when renewal comes up in 5 months.

when i originally bought by XB9R in 07, i had heard state farm was really expensive for bikes. so i checked the other brands first. geico wanted $1200 and progressive wanted ~$1050. i almost didn't get the bike cuz the insurance was going to be more than my payment. i called state farm and my agent said $263. so i replied, "per month?". she said no, that's for the year. i said get it written up, i'll be in monday with the bike. next call was to the guy that had the bike and told him it was sold.

i just got married, have no accidents, claims, or violations (knock on wood). i'll be 30 in july, so i'm hoping it might actually drop. :)

also, i live in wyoming. population nothing.
Well, after starting this thread, I did all of my checking around and Allstate was the best. I'm saving about $150 per year BEFORE the rate jack. Of course, I called Progressive to cancel, was transferred to a another person that claimed I had been paying too much through some "error." "OK, what SHOULD I be paying?" I asked. After a 20 minute song and dance, they came down a whopping $22 a year from the jacked rate. Adios,Flo.
In case u didn't know, insurance prices vary for many reasons including credit score, profession, education, garage parking, and other things you never thought matter.
I have progressive on my 08 12scg for $370 year fullcoverage w/$250 deductabile. My highest quote was about 3K/year from esurance. I'm 30 w/ super clean record in CT, own a house, went to safety course.