I think the land rover at the beginning did something ignorant and pissed a rider off, then got scared and ran everyone over. Needless to say my hands are shaking after watching that from anger. I wanted to see that driver pounded. Wish we say him get pulled out and beat (not to death). **** with my friends and I will lose it is my mind set while riding.
Now dont get me wrong I dont blame him for being scared and running off. But I want to know what he did at the beginning to piss the riders off enough to pull him over, the ride did not look to be an aggressive nor stunty ride. As a rider If someone does something ignorant to me when riding and it was an accident on their part, a simple wave of the hand with a look of apology calms me down. Im guessing this was a driver who refused to back down to a bunch of "bikers."
Loki, you likely don't give a ****, but I must say I am a little disgusted with you're response. We've both been around this forum for quite some time...
Pulled out and beat? Seriously? Now, like many have said we can't see what the driver of the Rover initially did... however, its his RIGHT to be on the roadway too! From what I have read, local enforcement has been trying to get this ride shut down for quite some time because of the riding habits of many of the participants. Stunting, speeding, wheelies, total disregard for other pedestrians; people riding fourwheelers and dirtbikes. I've experienced being immersed while in a car by groups like this multiple times and as a fellow motorcycle rider it pisses me off; the total disregard of other people and traffic laws needs to be dealt with.
So yeah, maybe he did something to piss the bikers off, but at the point the video begins the driver of the Rover has broken ZERO laws. Then he's caged in, a rider cuts him off by inches and slams on the brakes? What do you expect?
Did you not read the article? He was with his wife and 2 year old daughter ( which you have made it clear that you'd like them to witness him being brutaly beaten). I can tell you first hand, if anyone, I mean anyone threatened myself, my family, and especially my child I would have ran those hard ass wanna be's over faster than he did, and if I weren't able to get away, and they gained access to the vehicle you better believe 5 or 6 of them would've been on the table at the coroner's with slugs in their heads. It's unfortunate that he ran over a few people, but I don't think any logical human being would expect him to sit there as 50+ "thug wanna be's" rip his car apart before handing him and possibly his family an ass kicking. Where he went wrong was NOT driving to the nearest police station, then again maybe he was trying to before he was caged again and beaten.
Would've done the same thing if I had found myself in his situation, only I would've went straight to the nearest police department, and I sure as hell wouldn't have stopped the vehicle until I was there or it was not longer functioning. That being said, I would have pulled over asap to let all those dbags go by, so they could continue their reckless idiot fest.
I love to ride, but these guys like most just give riders a worse reputation. Anyone who sides with the "bikers" needs to grow up and reconsider their values.
My two cent's. No one puts my family in danger, and if they do, they're going to feel some pain.