Range Rover Runs Over Bikers

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The motorcyclists were trying to block the road so they could have a stunt session. A traffic accident occured when one of the bikers cut off the Rover and brake checked him. Then a bunch of bikers started to f*ck with the driver. I would have run them over too! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! I just wouldn't have stopped until there were police present. The driver of the RR is going to be happy someone was stupid enough to put that video on the net.
These spontaneous rides pop up all the the time in NYC. No offense to anyone in or associated with these people. Some people just want to ride in the company of other riders. Others are just squids that like protection for their stupidity by riding in numbers. Some of them mess with cagers because they feel they have the advantage. Like that one idiot that pulls in front of the Range Rover, cuts throttle and brake checks him. Stupid move to begin with picking fights you cant win.

Can't say for sure what happens before this video starts but from what i've witnessed, it usually goes like this. A whole stream of bikes get together for a ride. They don't ride in formation, many times there's no road captain, or sweepers. Sometimes they have a chase vehicle or two (sometimes up front filming). The try to fill as much of the roadway as possible with a few of them stunting and mugging for cameras etc. You get some uptight person who phones the cops and reports them or starts screaming out there window about how they're irresponsible and should be locked up. The bikers surround the car and deliberately mess with them. Kick at the car, bend the mirrors etc, scratch up the paint and then speed off confident the and their bikes are too confident to be caught. The drivers usually back down as driving a shiny new range rover, bmw, mercedes probably already has their insurance higher than they like. but beware of that guy in the old truck who's also has a new york attitude.

Looks like the brake check idiot gets tapped and dismounted and starts whining and playing tough guy. The driver pulls over one lane. The dismounted rider and other squids surround the car. They trying to get the door open and Surprise!!! their intimidation tactics worked... TOO WELL....the driver tries to get him and his family out of there. He plows through the bikes barricading his car. (Gotta love that 4 wheel drive.) The squiddies give chase with the responsible riders are probably back down the road on the phone with police or decided its probably more trouble/ attention/ excitement than they wanted and broke off from the group. If you google Hollywood rides nyc, halloween rides nyc .. you'll see a whole bunch of vids like this of people just getting off on stopping traffic and hogging some of the biggest busiest streets in nyc. Some are just kids just wanting to have fun and really having no idea what kind of mortal danger they're in. Others are responsible riders that just like the sound of 100 bikes together.. and still others are selfish attention whores and fake tough guys on cheap bikes with no insurance and a brass pair.

I found myself in the middle of these once, rolled down the window, hung two fingers out and kept going without incident. Not sure if the AMA window decal had anything to do with it. I've also seen a group of stunters run from cops while the rest of their group stopped and were detained for an hour and grilled for info about the ones that ran. I've had cabs try to cut me off when i was riding and people cut across painted barriers on the highway and run me into the weeds just short of a rail. There's different types of riders and different types of cagers. when the worse of the two meet the potential for stupidity increases exponentially.
That video makes a good advertisement for range rover. I don't think my 2wd truck would have gone over those bikes...
Seen this on another site. Says that the Range Rover called 911 to report the bikers just the incident occurred. And All I can say, had that been me in the truck, the first ****** that tried to open my door, with my family inside, would have two BAY windows in his chest.. Idiots like these make anyone on a bike look bad.

By Tracy Connor, NBC News

New York City police are hunting for a vengeful band of up to 30 motorcyclists who forced a driver on a harrowing high-speed chase through upper Manhattan and then beat him in front of his wife and two-year-old daughter.

The six-minute pursuit on Sunday — which was captured on video and posted on YouTube — began when the driver of a black Range Rover called 911 to report erratic bikers taking part in an unauthorized rally dubbed Hollywood Stuntz, police told NBC New York.

The video shows the motorcycles converged on the 33-year-old man's vehicle on the West Side Highway in Harlem, and he apparently clipped a bike that cut closely in front of him.

The motorcycle rider suffered a broken leg, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. Some of the other bikers then surrounded the SUV.

"They take their helmets and start to dent his car and apparently his tires are slashed there with a knife," Kelly said.

The video, shot with a helmet mounted cameras, shows the driver then took off, knocking down more bikes as others tore down the blacktop after him.

During a 50-block chase, the bikers managed to trap the Range Rover again and one of them got off and pulled open the driver's side door before the motorist swerved and sped away.

After his tires finally went flat on a side street, the group blocked him in again. One biker was seen yanking off his helmet and using it to smash in the SUV window.

Police said the man suffered black eyes and other injuries in the subsequent beating. After receiving some stitches, he was released from Columbia University Medical Center.

No arrests have been made, but police are examining surveillance video from a nearby gas station where some of the motorcyclists stopped.

Kelly said the bikers did not have a permit for the rally and the NYPD only learned of the show-boating event — in its second year through social media.

He said police had fanned out around Manhattan to watch for trouble, arresting 15 bikers and confiscating 55 motorcycles unrelated to the attack on the Range Rover.
That video makes a good advertisement for range rover.  I don't think my 2wd truck would have gone over those bikes...

And how well their windows hold up! Look, they never shattered the window.
I was looking at the choices in vehicles in his other videos. ATV's really? The news was reporting LA having the same problems there. It looks like biker gangs have a new choice in transportation since Harley's are prohibitively expensive. It makes me wonder how many other cities have this problem. And how far are they going to branch out?
Looking at the video the land rover tried to stop and the idiot what break checked him is not that smart of a rider. But on other hand without a video what the driver done what was so bad to piss off a whole bunch of bikers there isn't to much to discuss he probably feared of his family's life is on the line and he was trying to protect himself i would of stayed there and called the cops "911" before he decided to take out a whole bunch of people. he would be safe locked up in his car if he just stopped and waited for police. There not many 1%er sport bikers maybe 1 out of a million of them lol "I know one" if they both obeyed the law this wouldn't of happen its both there faults.if it was a real ride with a bunch of bikes they would of just picked one lane not take the whole entire freaking street!
theres no way to tell what happened or what started it.but going by the video looks like the biker got what he deserved.people like that dont have the guts for a one on one if that was me with my wife and kids i would have done the same or shot his dumb ass.there was no way if the driver had gotten out that a fight wouldnt have started and if he beat the first guy fair he still more to go.those are the asshats that give us a bad name.
I think the land rover at the beginning did something ignorant and pissed a rider off, then got scared and ran everyone over. Needless to say my hands are shaking after watching that from anger. I wanted to see that driver pounded. Wish we say him get pulled out and beat (not to death). **** with my friends and I will lose it is my mind set while riding.

Now dont get me wrong I dont blame him for being scared and running off. But I want to know what he did at the beginning to piss the riders off enough to pull him over, the ride did not look to be an aggressive nor stunty ride. As a rider If someone does something ignorant to me when riding and it was an accident on their part, a simple wave of the hand with a look of apology calms me down. Im guessing this was a driver who refused to back down to a bunch of "bikers."

Loki, you likely don't give a ****, but I must say I am a little disgusted with you're response. We've both been around this forum for quite some time...

Pulled out and beat? Seriously? Now, like many have said we can't see what the driver of the Rover initially did... however, its his RIGHT to be on the roadway too! From what I have read, local enforcement has been trying to get this ride shut down for quite some time because of the riding habits of many of the participants. Stunting, speeding, wheelies, total disregard for other pedestrians; people riding fourwheelers and dirtbikes. I've experienced being immersed while in a car by groups like this multiple times and as a fellow motorcycle rider it pisses me off; the total disregard of other people and traffic laws needs to be dealt with.
So yeah, maybe he did something to piss the bikers off, but at the point the video begins the driver of the Rover has broken ZERO laws. Then he's caged in, a rider cuts him off by inches and slams on the brakes? What do you expect?

Did you not read the article? He was with his wife and 2 year old daughter ( which you have made it clear that you'd like them to witness him being brutaly beaten). I can tell you first hand, if anyone, I mean anyone threatened myself, my family, and especially my child I would have ran those hard ass wanna be's over faster than he did, and if I weren't able to get away, and they gained access to the vehicle you better believe 5 or 6 of them would've been on the table at the coroner's with slugs in their heads. It's unfortunate that he ran over a few people, but I don't think any logical human being would expect him to sit there as 50+ "thug wanna be's" rip his car apart before handing him and possibly his family an ass kicking. Where he went wrong was NOT driving to the nearest police station, then again maybe he was trying to before he was caged again and beaten.

Would've done the same thing if I had found myself in his situation, only I would've went straight to the nearest police department, and I sure as hell wouldn't have stopped the vehicle until I was there or it was not longer functioning. That being said, I would have pulled over asap to let all those dbags go by, so they could continue their reckless idiot fest.

I love to ride, but these guys like most just give riders a worse reputation. Anyone who sides with the "bikers" needs to grow up and reconsider their values.

My two cent's. No one puts my family in danger, and if they do, they're going to feel some pain.
If I saw that many bikers coming up on me I would've gotten over or even off the road.
Loki, you likely don't give a ****, but I must say I am a little disgusted with you're response. We've both been around this forum for quite some time...
seems like he would fit in with crowd in the video to be honest
Sure.. these guys never do anything that would be looked at as unbecoming or against the law...lmao.

I didn't realize the guy had his family in the car....

If a group of ricers box me in on the highway with my wife and daughter in the car, you can be damn sure my 5.3L will be playing monster jam!!

It's 2wd, but I don't think it would have any issues...
Best choice for the driver here would have been to pull over and back off and apoligize whether he was right or wrong.  An SUV is a tool of death vs a motorcycle.  Running over that biker was worse than the biker caging him in.  The driver had to expect retribution.  He is very lucky he got way with his life.

So, after a biker cuts him off by literally inches, then slams the brakes, causing incidental contact (it seems), he should have pulled over and apologized as they began assaulting his vehicle in an attempt to gain access to the occupants inside? Pretty sure after the incidental contact, these guys were not going to accept an "apology".

He was in danger, his wife, and 2 year old child were in danger, he had every right to use his "tool of death" to eradicate himself from the situation.. Its a damn shame he didn't squash a few more of those aggressive tool bags while he was at it. If there were a donation program set up for him and his family for his legal counsol I would gladly chip in. The NYPD needs to crack down on these guys, and I am sure they will after such an incident as this.
Yes, backing off would have been the best thing here. The bikers didn't kill him after he ran over one of them, they wouldn't have killed him if he backed off. The more aggressive he was, the bigger of an ass whooping he bought himself., and the more danger he placed himself and his family in.
I would have done exactly what this driver did until the end. At the end I would have thrown it in reverse and probably ran over a couple more of the riders. If it were not NYC I would have done that while pointing my carry pistol at their heads. Wife and Daughter in the car changes everything.

By myself I probably would have pulled over and gotten out. Have yet to find a fight I was unable to talk my way out of, but if they wanted I would have handed that group of bikers my ass for a beating.

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